chapter 11

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Radiance: This is so boring we can't talk to him and he can't hear us.

Shade lord: It's a good thing he can't hear you, after all you had a rampage in his mind.

Radiance: Once My plans is complete I'm gonna Kick his ass!

Shade lord: Let us enjoy the show.

Y/n: So where to?

Ella: I don't know, he didn't give us a clue.

Y/n: I still wonder why one of them is on my cloak while the other one is snuggling at my chest?

Ella: Maybe it thinks it's your dad?

Y/n: I don't know, but we should see where to go from here.

You open your map and saw a bunch of marks on it.

Y/n: You see this Ella?

Ella: No i don't see anything wrong about it your highness.

Y/n: But there are marks on the map that I don't remember.

Ella: Really, but I looks normal to me?

Y/n: Wait he said that his child will guide me to them and since I have them-

Ella: Only you can see them, that makes sense.

Y/n: Seems like the marks are at the crystal peek, Green path and the city of tears. The crystal peek is closes to us so we'll go there first.

Ella: Right, let's go.

You and Ella depart to the crystal peek , along the way a lot of infected pass by you but they try to attack Ella so you killed them and they dropped geo.

Ella: W-Why didn't they attack you?

Y/n: Maybe since I have the Grimmchilds, Maybe Grimms magic is preventing me from getting hurt?

Ella: Wish they work on me.

Y/n: Looks like you need stay close to me so they can't get near.

Ella: I-I guess your right.

Y/n: then let's go.

You had Ella on your side you had a slight blush but unbeknownst to you she had a slight blush as well, you reached the crystal peeks and the Grimmchilds got out of your cloak and were flying around. One was flying around while the other one stayed close to you. You made your way I to the mines a lot of infected ignored you and Ella as you walked deeper the Grimmchilds began to call something or someone.

Y/n: Ella, I don't like the sound of this.

Ella: You tell me. * Sees a ball of fire* Incoming!

Three balls of fire came at you and Ella but you two dodge it and saw a little bug floating on the air with a torch.

Y/n: I guess that's the flame bearer?!

Ella: Yes and it Seems to be a sneaky one. Here it comes!

You dodge the flames as it teleports away and it appeared behind you but you quickly turned and pierce it and it let out a scream and a lot of flames as the Grimmchilds absorbed its flames after that they flown back to your cloak and rest.

Y/n: Well that was easy?

Ella: Yeah but I think it's just the start of it.

Y/n: Let's head back to dirt mound and head to green path.

Ella: Okay, let's go.

You and Ella slowly retraced your steps and you were back at dirt mound.

Ella: let's go to the stag station's they're the quickest way to get to green path and the city of tears.

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