tomboo the live

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About this story

☆platonic and not platonic tomboo

☆sbi family

☆ overprotective wilbur and techno

☆ranboo has only shown tommy his face

☆just like the last story the flirting in this is just playfully mixed with a little bit of completely flirting

☆this story may not be as long I don't know

☆ Tommy is a closted bi

☆ranboo lives in the uk

☆this story begins at 3 in the afternoon

☆timedeo and the business bay all miss tommy and tommy misses them

☆ and thats all now on to the story

☆Tommy's point of view☆

    Me and ranboo have been dateing for over two months we try are best to keep it a secret.

Its  just its hard finding time to hang out with my brother wilbur and techno being so protective of me.

But today was the day that I stood up to my proactive brothers to ask if I could go to ranboos house.

I walked down the stairs and in to the liveing room were my brothers awere sitting they were wachting t.v. dad was away so they were in charge.

"Hey guys can I ask you something" I said. They paused the  show and faced towards me "sure what's up little bro" wilbur asked.

I took a deep bearth "can I go to ranboos house for the day and possibly spend the night" I asked "no" techno and wilbur said.

"please" I begged giveing my two older brothers  the puppy dog eyes. "No don't give us that face" they said i knew it was thire number one weakness its worked snece i was a kid.

I keept giveing them the puppy dog eyes for a good 4minutes till they finally cracked." Fine you can go to ranboos but you better be home by lunch time" said techno.

I ran up and hugged them both "THANK YOU" I said and I could here thire smile "no problem little bro" they said.

I broke the hug and quickly ran up stairs I packed my stuff and texted ranboo.

Tommy's contact name for ranboo


Tommy: bubs gusse what

Ranboo: whats up bebe

Tommy: techno and wilbur said I could come over and that I could stay the night

Ranboo: thats grate ❤ what time will you be here

Tommy: in like 5 minutes I have to finish getting ready

Ranboo: ok also my parents arnt home they had a trip to go to I hope you don't mind

Tommy: thats fine I don't mind i just won't tell my brothers they will get to overprotective and then lock me in the house so I couldn't leave

Ranboo that is true

Tommy: i should finish getting ready see you in 5 love you❤

Ranboo: ok love you too 💚💙 (dnf anyone)

☆ranboos point of view☆

I was at my computer wean my phone went off I looked to see that I had a new text message it was from tommy I opend it up.

Tommyinnt And The Dream Smp Ft Timedeo And The Bussines Bay Oneshots  Where stories live. Discover now