Part 1

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Standing on a cliff overlooking the Valley of the End was a group of mismatched individuals, all seemingly around their late 20s and in militaristic garb from all over the world. Standing in the center of the group was a man with large eyebrows holding a childish looking toy wand, a cloak obscuring his olive green uniform from view.

"So we all gathered the information we needed, correct? You should have been able to get what you were assigned as it's been almost a year." A tall blond man with piercing blue eyes and an iron cross over his heart asked, glancing down the line of men.

A variety of responses came forward, ranging from the raising of notebooks and scrolls to a simple yes in their respective languages, causing the man to sigh in relief. The group was known for getting sidetracked and causing... antics on the best of days, let alone on a stressful mission to another dimension.

The blue eyed man signaled for the one in the cloak to do something, which soon resulted in a portal leading out into a meeting room large enough for a large college class to reside in to open up. The group filed through, all seeming tired and weary from the long time they had been there.

Little did they know what was left behind by 3 of their members.

Or notice the loss of 1 of their group, period, in their rush to get home.


10 years later

Naruto was an... odd child.

For one, he had ashy blond hair and deep purple eyes, which would make you think he was a Yamanaka at first glance, if not for the fact that they were 2 shades off and the dark look held deep within his amethyst orbs. Secondly, he was already 5'4" at nearly 10 years old, making him tower over his age group. Another thing that set him apart was the 3  jagged, sinister looking whiskers on each cheek that only served to make him seem feral at times. His nose was oddly prominent compared to most of the rest of his village, and he was built somewhat broad already. He also insisted on carrying around a rusty piece of old piping and wore long winter coats at all times despite living in the mostly mild weathered Konoha.

Well, it once was mildly weathered. Ever since his birth the local climate had changed just enough to allow for severe blizzards in the now slightly longer winter and milder-than-before summers. No one really knew the cause so they just assumed it was from the Kyuubi attacking and leaving chakra all over affecting the land.

He was currently walking home with groceries from the local store at 10 at night, most civilian businesses not letting him shop until late at night due to the unsettling aura he carried despite his seemingly cheery and childish personality. As he turned the corner to his apartment complex, he paused at the sight of it up in flames.

He glanced around, noticing some drunks near the burning building cheering as they watched it burn. A sinister look crept onto the child's face before vanishing under a childish smile, groceries abandoned and pipe suddenly in his hands.

"Ah, are you the ones who are setting the fire to the квартиры?" Naruto called to the drunks, stilted way of speaking and odd accent clear despite having been raised in Konoha since he was born and subsequently orphaned. Not to mention the incomprehensible language he had "made up" one day.

When he was 3.

And was more fluent in than Japanese.

The drunks paused in their cheering, looking at the child in horror as a dark aura the shape of a massive demonic fox with nine tails seemingly formed behind him from nothing, small claws becoming more clear on his hands as he raised the pipe to swing at the arsonists. After a few moments of the child beating the weak, drunk civilian criminals with a lead pipe and surprising effectiveness for one so young, a dog masked and oddly young ANBU hopped down and grabbed his arm, stopping his assault.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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