Chapter 9

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"Tobio, do you want to play volleyball just for a while?" Tori asked as they were watching volleyball.

"Yeah," he said as he grabbed his ball.

They quickly headed to his backyard and played a rally.

Tori wanted to brighten up the mood as she throws random jokes or messed up funnily on purpose, but Kageyama did not say anything. The only thing he did was be worried for her or just smiled very faintly.

After few minutes of that, Tori noticed how Kageyama's eyes were getting teary. Tori dropped the ball and rushed towards him to give him a tight hug. "It's okay, Tobio."

Kageyama hugged her back tightly to the point of hurting her a bit, but she did not mention it. She just patted his back in a slow steady beat, trying to comfort him. She knew that it was not words he needs to hear, but someone to be there for him.

• • •

After that night, Kageyama felt better that he was ready to train even further to enhance his skills. Tori smiled at him as she felt happy he was back to himself. This was the Kageyama she loved. However, her smile turned into a sad smile, remembering how she will always be stuck as his best friend. She just shook her head as she told herself not to be greedy.

• • •

Tori and Kageyama were walking home together as usual when her phone vibrated. She checked her phone to see that it was an incoming call from Iwaizumi. "Iwa-chan?"

"Tori, are you on the way back home?" He asked with a sigh.

"I am. Why? Did something happen?" She asked with furrow brows. 

"We lost the final round against Shiratorizawa and I don't think he is handling it well."

Tori, being his sister, knows how Shiratorizawa, especially Ushijima, affects her brother. She quickly told him that she will rush back home before hanging up. Before she could say anything to Kageyama, he held her hand tightly. It was as if he was scared to let go. As if she will be gone forever if he ever did. 

"Tobio?" She asked in confusion.

"Is it Oikawa-san?" He asked with furrowed brows.

She nodded with a worried look. "I need to rush home today because of nii-chan. I'm sorry, Tobio! I'll message you if I can!"

She removed her hand from his grip that has weakened and rushed away without waiting for his reply. 

Kageyama who was now left alone glanced at the floor as he stared at his hand. Oikawa was her brother, yet why does he feel like this? Is it because he just lost against his team? He could not understand the feelings he has been experiencing. He doesn't know who he can ask this to. He ruffled his hair in annoyance before heading towards his house.

• • •

Tori quickly opened her entrance door and headed straight towards her brother's room. When she entered, she was greeted with a frustrated Oikawa and Iwaizumi. When Iwaizumi saw her, he smiled in relief before backing up from Oikawa. Tori went beside her brother and immediately hugged him tightly. "Let it out, nii-chan."

Oikawa hugged his sister back as tears began to flow. Thanks to his tears, Tori's uniform was becoming damp, but that was the least of her concern at the moment. All she could think about was comforting her brother.

After Oikawa has cried out his frustration, he began to talk about how upset he was. He did not understand why he lost against him once again. He did not understand how he has never once beaten him. The world was unfair as some people were born as a prodigy when some people don't. Tori did not say anything and listened to him as she continued to pat his back gently. Once Oikawa was done, that was when Tori began to speak.

"You might have lost against him, but I'm certain that you played amazingly during the game. I'm sure you shone the brightest among them all," she said with a smile as she pulled a bit away from her brother. 

"You might not like the word, but I really do think you are also a genius at the amount of effort you put and you never stop. You continue to move forward. My team calls you the grand king, Ushijima-san constantly asks you to join Shiratorizawa, and remember how Tobio always asked you to teach him how to serve during junior high? He still sees you as someone he couldn't jump over yet. That's how amazing you are."

Oikawa stared at her with red, teary eyes at her words.

"I think Seijoh was the best decision for you regardless of what others say. You always manage to bring out the best of each player and your chemistry with them was amazing from what I saw. No wonder you got the best setter award during junior high. You truly deserved that award."

She wiped her brother's dried tears with her hands.

"Knowing you, you won't drop off from your club just because you are in the third year. You will have one more chance, the spring tournament, to go against him. You still have time till then. All you have to do is stand back up to your feet."

Oikawa once again burst out into his tears that Tori just hugged him once again with Iwaizumi watching them from the back in silence. 

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