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"White Rabbit" - Choi Jongho

Absolem (Blue Catterpillar) - Kang Yeosang

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 It was a rather lovely Spring day outside. Not a cloud in sight, the birds chirped in the sky and the grass seemed greener.

Thus you decided that instead of cramming in the library, you'd open your books and study in the company of the good weather. It had rained the previous night, so you could smell the grass as you made your way to a vacant table in the park. Those tables were usually occupied by elderly men playing cards, but you were lucky enough to find one for yourself.

You'd usually wear earphones and listen to music while studying, but you decided against it today, really taking in the environment around you.

All was peaceful. That is, until a man, about your age it looked, sprinted in your direction. He had the whitest hair you'd ever seen, wore a tight red vest with a bunch of black hearts decorating the lapel, over a white button up shirt and white jeans that hugged his thighs perfectly. As he got closer you could swear you had seen a pair of red eyes. Not bloodshot eyes, no, but actual red-coloured eyes. It was a weird choice of lens to wear, you had to say.

You looked away from him and tried to concentrate on your work.

"Oh it's late! It's awfully late... It's so but oh so late! Whatever will I do!" He said while he ran, taking a look at the gilded watch he kept on the pocket of his vest.

You immediately whipped your head back to look at the man who had now ran past you. Not knowing what you were doing, you stood up and followed him, curious about what he was late to, dressed up like that most of all. You followed him into a deserted part of the park, where there were but large trees. You had lost him. You walked around and looked as hard as you could for the male. Certainly it wasn't hard to find someone that flasy, but you were wrong. You found nothing.

You quit looking and started heading back, but just as you did, you saw a huge hole in the ground right by a tree. You crouched down and inspected it closer.

"This is crazy deep! If anyone falls in here they're doomed!"

Being the curious cat you were, you bent over a little more, trying to see anything but darkness, yet you fell in. You fell, and fell and fell and there was no ending to your fall. You were scared, wondering if somehow you'd survive the fall, and if you'd even be able to get back up or ask for help from this distance from the surface.

Eventually your butt hit a cold, hard surface. You expected a hard fall, and a great deal of pain, but you landed lightly. You opened your eyes, that you had shut out of fear, and looked around. You were in a big, circular room with purple walls, chess-like floor and three doors: one huge one, a tiny little one and one about your size.

You looked around once more, frantically this time.

"I'm dead. I've died and this is Hell I can't believe it..."

That was the most rational response you could come up with, amidst the whole situation. It seemed as if you had no choice but enter when of the doors, since going back up was not an option. You couldn't reach the first door's handle, and you absolutely didn't fit through the tiny one, so you chose the bright blue door. You turned its gold handle and entered whatever room it lead to.

You covered your eyes as a big hue of light hit you. You stepped in with both feet and let your eyes adjust to lighting. You were immediately greeted not with a room, but with a new landscape. You turned around to gom back to wherever you were, but the door was long gone.

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