Prologue (Remake)

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"Aftermath Eruption: Prologue

"After Ben had his memories about the night in Schicksal, when he had become a Honkai dragon, known as Banevares, Ben was in his dragon form but in a smaller form, Ben was sneaking during the night in the market, hiding in the darkness behind crates and such, people were looking though the food that were available or buying them, Ben looks around the market in the darkness, trying to find some food for himself"

Ben: Hmm, where's the meat.... *looks around the market*

"Ben was looking around the market in the darkness, trying to make sure that he wouldn't be noticed by the humans, he would always be doing this whenever he would be hungry, stealing food as a Honkai dragon, Ben knew that his parents, Siegfried and Cecilia were in the second war, he was wondering if they were alright or not"

[Quick Note: Cecilia & Sirin will be alive in this timeline]

"Ben kept looking for some food in the market while hiding in the darkness, he would noticed a market booth with meat and lots of meats, as he looks at the meat that was lying down on the market booth"

Ben: *smirk* Bingo, there's the tasty meats that any hungry Honkai dragons would want to eat

"Ben would look around the market and flies to the back of the food booth, he was making sure that he wouldn't be notice him, Ben would quietly sneak into the food booth as he noticed the meat on the tables, Ben would climb up and grabbed the meat, using his mouth till hea woman screaming was heard, Ben would look up and noticed that a woman was screaming "Look, it's a Honkai dragon, it's a monster!!" the butcher would noticed the Honkai dragon and tried to kill Ben, Ben would dodge the slash and jumps into the main streets of the market, he was running with the meat in his mouth"

???: Stop that Honkai dragon?! *points at Ben*

"Ben was running through past humans as he's in his dragon form but in a smaller form, as he would be difficult to catch a tiny Honkai dragon with many people in the way, Ben flies away from the market with the meat in his mouth, sometime had passed, Ben was eating the meat in his dragon form as he was feeling a bit better now"

Ben: *sighs* That felt better after eating that piece of meat from those stupid humans, what should I do now.....?

"Ben was wondering about what he would do, as he would be thinking about it till he heard a kid was screaming, Ben goes to find out what was happening, he would noticed a group of bullies who were bullying a little kid in a alleyway"

???: What's make you that you can just hang around on our territory?! *He shouted at the little kid*

???: W-what are you talking about... I-I was just heading back hhome..... *scared*

???: *laughs* then you're not going to your little pathetic home, cause you won't anymore

"Ben was angry with these pathetic humans, as they were bullying a little kid who was going back home from school or something else, Ben goes in the alleyway and looks at them"

Ben: Hey, you shouldn't be bullying that little kid, just because he was trying to head back home, you shouldn't be bullying little kids, you pathetic humans *looks at them*

"Ben would be staying in the darkness of the alleyway as the bullies would turn around and looks at him, they were annoyed and angry with what Ben told them, calling them pathetic humans"

???: Pathetic? You're calling us pathetic!! *looks at him*

Ben: *smirk* Of course I did, have a problem with that pathetic human....? *looks at them*

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