Ellen's burning questions

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"I'm y/n Johansson" i said playfully and she chuckled

" In that case I'm Scarlett (your last name" she added

" And today we will be answering ellen's burning questions!"

I wish i wasn't scared to.....

Meet new people and commit.. I'm an introvert so that just explains it, how about you scar?" I answered and ask Scarlett

"Uhm take risk and also commit on something that i really want but I'm scared to do it coz  of the 50/50 chance y'know?" She explained

If you can't sleep in the middle of the night what do you do

"Watch charlie and the chocolate factory.. best childhood movie oh my god" she says proudly

" Thats also my favorite movie like just seeing young johnny depp blows my mind for some reason" i agreed laughing

"right ??!" She said playfully

" mine is imagining some scenarios on my head that will never happen in reality" i answered to the question

Your first celebrity crush

" Gordon Ramsay " Scarlett said just smiling awkwardly on the camera

"Really?" I asked clenching my nose in misbelief coz i really don't like that human being

"I know don't judge me with that look" she says laughing

" How about you?" she asked changing the topic

"billie eilish" i said proudly coz we actually had something before..

"Ow wow what an achievement" she says sarcastically

Craziest place you had sex

"Uh... probably just in the car" she says laughing obviously lying

"Why are you looking me like that?" She asked laughing and hug my arm coz I'm looking to her with a little smile coz I ain't convince

"Ok how about you?" She asked laughing and let go of my arm

" I'm not that wild of a person so just in mc Donald's cr" i said smiling widely and she gasp dramatically

What do you sleep in at night

"Just an oversized shirt or like robe" i answered

" Lingerie" Scarlett answered and i felt my self blushing

Who'd you share your first kiss with?

"I'd rather forget" she sarcastically says and shake and her head

"How about you?" She asked

"You" I simply answer

"Oh my god really?" She asked shocked and intimidated

"Yeah on the set and my ex think it was her" i said with shadiness

favorite curse word

"Fuck/ bitch" i answered

"Fuck/ shit" Scarlett answered and we both faked smile at the camera

What is the fashion trend that you don't understand

"The weird shaped bags and they're so fcking expensive like why would i want to buy a $39k bag that shaped like an airplane?" I said complaining and Scarlett started laughing hard because i actually showed her the picture of the bag

"The weird shaped bags and they're so fcking expensive like why would i want to buy a $39k bag that shaped like an airplane?" I said complaining and Scarlett started laughing hard because i actually showed her the picture of the bag

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" Uhm probably the bucket hat that you always wear" she said throwing shade on me and i gave her a "wtf" look

What is your biggest fear

" I have Katsaridaphobia fear of freaking Cockroaches" she answers looking disgust

" And i have Ornithophobia fear of birds and Entomophobia fear of almost all of the insects" i answered

" But you wanna know what I'm most scared of?" I asked her and she nod

" Loosing you" i said teasing her and we both burst out laughing and she starts to hit me playfully

What is your guilty pleasure

"Belting out karaoke tunes" She answered

"Watching true murder stories at midnight and simp over hot serial killers" i answered

Which co star is the most fun to kiss

" You" we both said sarcastically at the same time unexpectedly and just cover our mouths in shocked while laughing

Who is someone you have not worked with that you'd like to do a love scene with

"Maybe sandra bullock" Scarlett answered and shrug

"Elizabeth Gillies" i simply answer

What is your favorite thing to do in bed

"Sleep?" I said with asking tone holding my self from saying inappropriate stuffs

"Eat" Scarlett simply answered

"Eat what?" I asked playful triggering her and she looked down covering her face laughing

"Shut up" she says as soon as she looked up

What was the last lie you told

We both look at each other burst out laughing

"Probably our answers on the last question" Scarlett says

Have you seen each other fully naked

"Nope thats weird like seeing your best friend naked" i answered

"Its not that weird tho" she said teasing me while smirking

" You're making us look so sus" i said laughing

"Why is it so weird for you?" She asked softly

"I can't unsee it like every time I'll look at you I'm just gonna remember how you look like naked" i explained

"That's not that bad tho" she answered and wink at the camera

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