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Scarlett POV

we all came to the event to meet some fans and answer their questions.

"Uhm to mr tom hiddleston" the fan said holding her excitement

"Yes darling" he replied

"Wait omg I can't breathe" the fan said playfully and we all laugh at her cuteness.

"Uhm are you in a relationship right now?" She said excitedly

"Yes, and i'm currently happy with my partner" tom answered blushing

All of the fans are great and so loving but I'm just missing my girlfriend
'damn y/n when are you gonna show up to events' i thought to myself because she never attended events coz she's such an introvert she found them exhausting

"To Scarlett Johansson"  the fan said and i snapped out of my thoughts

" Uhm is it true that you and chris evans are more than friends" she asked shyly and the other fans cheered.

"Oh no" i answered fast knowing my girlfriend always get jealous at evans and she might find a video of this interaction

"Really? You're gonna make a great couple" she added

"We're just bestfriends" evans answered and looked at me smiling

"Sus" the random girl on the crowd shouted loudly and we all laugh

"To all of you if its ok" the next fan said
"Sure" we all respond

"When are we gonna see y/n attending events like this" she said sarcastically and we all laugh

"Now???"  a familiar voice said and we all looked at her direction

And there she was my introvert girlfriend. She goes to us and give us hugs and kisses.

The fan started jumping around and y/n run down the stage and hug her. The other fans freaked out wanting to hug her also but the guards stop them

"Oh my god i love you so much!!" The fan said panting

"Hey breathe, you're so cute" she answered and hug her again.

She then run again to go back to the stage where we're all sitting and she sit next to me.

"Looking gorgeous" she whispered to me and i looked down blushing trying to hide my smile.

"Not bad for you huh?" I whispered and she tried to hide her smile by covering her mouth

The next fan came and they're together i think. Two girls

"To y/n" they both said and we stopped flirting to focus on them

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"To y/n" they both said and we stopped flirting to focus on them

"Uhm is it true that you're dating a girl" the girl wearing black asked

"Uh i think that's my business" She simply answered and smile.

She promise me to keep this relationship in private but she will never deny me.

"C'mon just tell us" the girl wearing green said.

"I mean...Yes im dating a beautiful woman right now" she answered looking directly at them and our other co stars looked at her

"What??" She asked laughing

"Who is it" holland asked with strong british accent

"Yeah who is it why didn't you tell us" Downey joined

"Uhmmmm" she hum and hold my hand and they looked at us in misbelief.

"Oh my god" Anthony said hitting the sofa excitedly

"Since uh when" Hemsworth joined doing his iconic hand gestures making all the fans laugh

"Whennnn???" Lizzie asked loudly

"I know you two are sus" sebastian mumbled enough for everyone to hear

"Omg thats disgusting she's like 10+ years older" the fan wearing black commented and y/n looked at her getting pissed on what she just said

One thing you can do is tease her but the thing you should never do is disrespect me in front of her 💅

I put my hand on her thigh to calm her down

"Watch your girl" she added saying it to me

" Watch your mouth" she replied and the whole place filled with " ooohhhh"

"yes I am dating her and yes there's a age gap, whats wrong with that?" She said seriously racing an eye brow

" Well---" the fan answered but she was cutt off by y/n

" need to educate yourself to  not be disrespectful on other people by thinking it was funny and it will make you the "main character" she said and doing a hand gesture ✌️

"Im no--" the girl defended herself but cutt off again

"Im dating "the  Scarlett Johansson" an amazing actress, mother, person ,friend and a girlfriend...who are you dating? A man that wears skinny jeans?" She said and received a lot of "ooww" from the fans and our co starts started doing the "your dead" hand gestures

"You're a bitc----" the fan tried to talk again

"Talk to me when you're more successful and respectful than me and I'll let you talk but as of now i don't see any of those so don't talk to me" she answered, Anthony and chris started jumping on their sits. The others are trying to hold their laugh.

The girl eyes started to be glossy and she walked out wiping her eyes.

Y/n finally calm down.

"Thanks" i said squeezing her hand and she just cupped my face and kissed me making the crowd wild and we just smiled on each others lips

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