We got into a cart and raced down the depth caverns. We finally stopped and the goblin climbed out.

"Vault 687. Lamp, please." The goblin says. Hagrid hands him a lamp and he walks up to the vault. "Key, please." The goblin says. 

Hagrid hands him the key and the goblin opens the vault. The room was filled with coins. "Woah.." Both me and Harry say under our breath.

"Didn't think your parents would leave both of you with nothing now, did ya?" Hagrid says, smiling at how amazed we are. We continue walking until we reach another vault.

"Vault 713." The goblin says. "What's in here Hagrid?" Harry asks. I was also curious but I decided to not ask anything. "Can't tell you Harry. it's Hogwarts business. Very secret." Hagrid explains. 

"Stand back." The goblin says, in a bit of a dramatic voice.  We both stand back as he slides his finger down the door. The vault opens to reveal a white stone package. Hagrid enters and takes it. "Best not mention this to anyone, Kids." Hagrid says. We just nod.

We went out of gringotts and got our books and all our school stuff. "Now, all we need is, a wand" I read from the list. " A wand? Well, you'll want Ollivanders" Hagrid says, pointing at a building nearby. " No place better. Run along there, but wait. I just got one more thing I got to do. Won't be long." He said. 

Harry and I went inside the store, but nobody was there.

"Hello?" Harry said nervously. "Hello." I said, a little more louder. Suddenly a man crazy looking man with white hair and blue eyes appeared. " I wondered when I'd be seeing you, Mr. Potters.  It seems only yesterday that your parents were in here buying their first wands." The man who I assume is Ollivanders said. 

He then got a wand from the shelves. "Ah. Here we are." He said handing the wands to us. We took them and just looked confused on what we were supposed to do with it. Ollivander spoke, "Well give it a wave."  I did as he said and when I did it caused a vase to break. "Apparently not." He said, taking the wand from me. 

When Harry tried it, boxes came flying down the shelves. Harry quickly put down the wand. " No, no, definitely not!" Ollivander said, going back to the shelves. "I wonder." He mumbled. We both looked at him curiously. He gave us the wands, then a glowing light appeared, followed by a gust of wind, blowing the hair out of our faces.

                                          (I dont own this wand I just got it from pinterest.) 

" Curious, very curious

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" Curious, very curious." "I'm sorry but what's curious?" I asked. He looked at the both of us and spoke, "I remember every wand I've ever sold Ms. Potter. It just so happens that the pheonix, whose tail feather resides in your wands gave two other feathers, just two.   It is curious that you both should be destined for this wand when its brother gave you that scars." He said, pointing to our scars.

"And... who owned that wand?" Harry asks. "Oh, we do not speak his name. The wand chooses the wizard Mr. Potter. It's not always clear why, but I think it is clear that we can expect great things from the both of you. After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things...terrible, yes, but great." Ollivander replied.

"Harry! Lily! Happy Birthday!" We both turned around to see Hagrid carrying two cages with owls inside.

"Harry! Lily! Happy Birthday!" We both turned around to see Hagrid carrying two cages with owls inside

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One was a snowy white owl and the other was a light brown. "Wow!" We both beamed. "I call the white one!" Harry said. "Fine by me." I smile. We walked out of the shop and grabbed the cages. "I'm gonna call you... Hedwig." Harry said. "Your feathers remind me of Bella Swan's hair from twilight. So i'm gonna call you Bella." I say to my owl. (I know twilight was not yet released but lets just pretend.) I beamed and it fluttered it's wings and chirped in happiness.

Slytherin QueenWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt