The Strength the villain sees

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I'm amazed by this boy
Only 13
And so strong
I watched unable to help
as he is
Ignored, beaten, as blood
Drips down his face
I look around
I am angered as I see
The "future hero's" walk past
They glance at him
Then look away and keep walking

I want to help

But I can't

The boy gets up
and walks away
Not even limping?!?!
And I realize

This is a normal day for him

It breaks my heart

as I walk up to him a few days later
I expect a jump, fear in his eyes
I get nothing
As I sit next to him
Almost as though he was expecting this
It just didn't matter if I was hostile

I speak

The answers to my questions
Break my heart even more
I have more questions than answers

But overall
I feel the strength this boy has
To not flinch when kicked down
again and again
To help others when
he gets hit In return
To keep going toward his dream when
Everyone and anyone he has met
Told him he "can't" 
"you'll just get in the way" 
" let the hero's do there job"
"stop bothering them you'll just hold them back"
"just give up"
But he just keeps going
Never giving up

'I wonder when will
the brats they call hero's will
Realize this kid
has already passed you
And he's so far ahead that
They think he's behind them'

I have seen how his "family" treats him
How they all treat him
I decide
I will do everything I can
to get him to live with me and the league

School finally ends
I walk into the alleys
The back streets
The places people avoid


I walk I see him
Leaning against the wall
He seams deep in thought
I stop in front of him
He looks up surprised
I smile
'A real smile
I haven't lost it
I just don't get to use it very much'
" I said I would see you later! And here I am."
He stands there silent for a moment
Then all in a rush he says
"Willyoucomeandlivewithmeandtheleagueofvillians?!"(will you come and live with me and the league of villains)
He slaps a hand over his mouth
As though he hadn't met to
Say it out loud
I laugh
'I couldn't help it'
"I would love to! but don't you need to ask them first?"
"I haven't gotten around to it"
He said sheepishly
I laugh again
"See you tomorrow. Let me know if I can move in."
I walk away

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