The second meeting

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The next few weeks were the same as always
I was going to start the next year of
middle School
Kachan was as mean as ever

Then on the way back home
I caught a glimpse
It was the man that helped me
I looked again
He was burning someone alive
A ways down the alley

I felt no fear
I thought that I should
I couldn't bring my self to fear this person
So I walked up to him
He turns
Surprise crosses his face
Then he looks away
"You probably think that I'm a monster now"
I look behind him
The person that was once there
Was just a pile of dust
I look back at him

" aren't you scared that I'll do that to you?!!"
I'm not scared of you."
"So you think that I am a monster??!"
He looks at me in confusion
I look back
Then I turn and walk away
I yell over my shoulder
"See you around!!"
Then disappear down an alley

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