Story of Ben Kaslana

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"Aftermath Eruption: Story of Ben Kaslana

"Aftermath Eruption would take place one year after the end of the second war or the second eruption, humanity were celebrating the first year after the end of the second war, in the wilderness of the woods in the darkness, there's a Honkai dragon as it was in a small form, this was Ben Kaslana or what humanity called him (Banevares), Ben was looking at the humans from a distance, as he began to remember the day he became a Honkai dragon before the war began"

"Kaslana's Residence, Floating Island, Schicksal HQ, few months before the second Honkai war"

"There was a short little boy with white hair and blue eyes, this was Ben Kaslana, as he was drawing something on a piece of paper with pencils till he heard the door to his room as he looks and noticed his mother, Cecilia Schariac"

Ben: Mommy!! *He ran to her and hugs her tightly*

Cecilia: Hehe, Hey Ben, how are you doing *soft smile*

Ben: I'm perfectly fine, Mommy, thank you for asking and oh I was drawing this for all of us *He approached his desk and grabbed the drawing*

"Ben would approach Cecilia as he gave her the drawing, Cecilia looked at the drawing, the drawing had Siegfried, Cecilia, Ben and Kiana as a happy family, Cecilia smiled softly"

Cecilia: It looks incredible, sweetie, I like it

Ben: Hehe, thank you mommy, and where's daddy? *looks at her*

Cecilia: He'll be back soon, Ben, don't worry *Pats his head* *soft smile*

"Ben was smiling softly at Cecilia, he would always enjoy being around with his parents and Kiana, they would always play around outside of Schicksal HQ, Ben would look outside from his window and noticed it was getting night, he thought that he really spent that much with the drawing"

Cecilia: Hehe, alright Ben, it's time for you to rest now, sleep well and daddy will be back much faster *pats his head*

Ben: Alright mommy, goodnight! *waves goodnight to Cecilia*

"Cecilia was smiling softly at Ben as she left Ben's room, closing the door behind her as she went somewhere around their residence, Ben would clean up around his room like putting the pencils back and many more, after he had finished cleaning up his room as he would turn off the lights and went to his bed as he puts the blanket over him and fell asleep, sometime had passed as Ben was sleeping peacefully in his bed with a blanket over him, he would turn to the other side till a red light was shining on his eyes as he slowly waking up"

Ben: *rubs his eyes* Huh? *gets up from bed and goes to the window*

"Ben would noctied a red light that wasn't far from the Kaslana's residence, he was confused as he would want to investigate the strange red light, he goes to the door and slowly opens it as he looks around the residence, he would walk slowly and quietly to not wake up Kiana or his parents, Ben went downstairs to the main floor as he goes outside, he would noticed the red light from earlier"

Ben: What is that....? *curious*

"Ben goes to the red light as he looks down and noticed something that he wouldn't have expected to find in the night, it was a Pseudo-Herrscher core, it was just laying down on the ground with red lights shining though it and the area"

Ben: !! That's a Pseudo-Herrscher core, why would it be here in the HQ.....? *curious*

"Ben thoughts about that, how would a Pseudo-Herrscher core just appeared in Schicksal HQ, Schicksal wouldn't have noticed it being here, but they didn't notice it, Ben would slowly reach out his hand to it as he was scared if something bad would happen, he grabbed the core from the ground as it was on his hand as Ben looks at the core till suddenly the core began to shine and causing pain to Ben"

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