Chapter Thirty: November 7th, 2020.

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"Zach, leave her alone," Grace scolded, lifting her daughter out of her sons reach.

Though only two, Zach had realised that he could very easily annoy his two month old sister; he also seemed to enjoy it.

"Oh buddy, what trouble are you getting into now?" Chris asked, walking into the room, Max by his side as usual.

Picking his son up, Chris smiled at him, cuddling him into his chest. Looking to his wife, he frowned at the sight of her face flushing with guilt.

"Stop it, he has to learn," Chris reminded, leaning over to kiss her lips.

The whole house was in a heap that day. The counting of the votes had been going on for days and it looked like Chris was taking the lead again. But red states were still on the up for trump.

"I know," she mumbled, "but he's still my baby,"

He watched her carefully as she cradled Sofia. He had begged her to rest and stay in bed. She had only gotten her stitches out and he didn't need anything happening to her.

Grace, unsurprisingly, didn't listen.

What had happened last month had shaken Chris. He rarely left his family alone, he had replaced all his agents and made sure to check on anyone who was around his family.

He also didn't like that his life was always the first priority.

Chris chuckled, kissing her again before they all moved to leave the room. The staff were rushing around the house hoping they would continue to serve the First family come January; none of them wanted the Cuomo's to leave.

"Are you nervous?" Grace asked, walking down the stairs behind her husband, heading for the living room where CNN was displaying their coverage of the vote.

Grace's stomach had been twisting all morning. She was sure the campaign had done enough and that Chris had won over a lot of his supporters.

"A little," Chris shrugged, entering the room and moving to sit down with his family.

To be completely honest, if Chris lost, he wasn't sure he'd be too upset about it. It would be cause for him to whisk his family away from D.C. to the Hamptons where he wanted to call it home.

"Mom and dad send their best wishes," Grace said, setting Sofia in her bouncer, then taking her place beside her husband again.

Chris smiled at her. They'd had phone calls all day from family and friends. He had been on the phone with Don for nearly four hours.

"Are we really going to sit and watch it all day?" She asked, already sick of looking at the election coverage.

Chris looked at her, raising an eyebrow, "got any better ideas?"


"Careful Zach, don't fall sweetheart," Grace called, watching her son try to keep up with Max as he ran around the garden.

It was freezing in D.C. at this time of year, but Grace had made sure her family were well bundled up against the cold and the fireplace in the living room had been lit for when they go back inside.

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