Chapter Twenty- Four: Lockdown

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March 15th, 2020

Chris had barely no time to listen to the rants of governors of states who didn't want to take this pandemic seriously. He didn't want to be an ass, or one sided, but it was a huge amount of Republicans.

"I mean it, you need to put out mask mandates and you need to stop a lot of operations," Chris said, his anger rising as the zoom call was dragged out longer than necessary, "if you don't, a lot of our friends, family, they're going to die,"

He was met with yet another round of disapproving grumbles from certain governors and he was sure the senate would have something to say about this too.

Chris wasn't an idiot. And he had been elected to this position for a reason. It's a public health emergency and he would be dammed if he didn't put his people first.

"How long is this going to last?" Governor Ron DeSantis asked, exhaling an annoyed breath.

Chris closed his eyes. How on earth was he supposed to know that.

"In all honesty Ron, how on earth is President Cuomo supposed to know? Nobody knows what this thing is!" Governor Steve Sisolak argued, a valid point in the eyes of the President and the Vice President.

"Look, I know this is the last thing you want. It's the last thing I want too. But I promise you, if we do this now, we will be better off for it in the long run," Chris vowed, nodding at the Governor's.

Thankfully, nobody had questions so the call ended soon after that and Chris was relieved. He had a million other things he needed to do before he could do his public speech and go home to his pregnant wife and son.

"The school boards are next. Do you want to speak to them or just issue a statement?" Harry asked, walking to his boss when the laptop was closed.

"Statement, I can't hear anymore pointless arguments today," Chris sighed, standing from his seat and stretching his arms above his head.

Looking out the window, he smiled at the sight of his son playing with Mary. Grace was sitting near by, her hand on her now visible bump as she started to organise more of Chris' campaigns on her iPad.


"Your speech was good, very uplifting," Andrew mused into the phone as Chris made his way from his office back to his home, "well, most of New York thinks so anyway,"

Chris chuckled, mumbling a thank you to his brother while he opened the door to the White House and began his search for Zach.

"What are we gonna do about ma? I heard it's bad for older people," Chris said, bypassing a few staffers who were all in a rush setting up hand sanitisers and temperature checks wanting to keep the first family safe.

Chris heard his brother sigh into the phone. It was difficult for either of them. Matilda wouldn't live in D.C., even if it was temporary and Andrew would be out doing so many meetings, he'd be putting his mother at risk.

"I'll call one of the girls, they'll either check on her or take her in with them," Andrew reassured knowing their mother wouldn't be alone either way, "watch out for Grace, she's vulnerable to this thing too apparently, and your baby,"

Chris groaned, he hadn't even thought of that. The last thing he needed was his wife getting sick or putting his baby at risk.

"Thanks," Chris sighed, smiling at Zach as he rushed down the hallway towards him, "stay safe, I'll talk to you soon,"

They both hurried a goodbye before Chris hung up and took his son into his arms.

"Hey mister," Chris smiled, kissing his son and continuing on his search for his wife. Looking at the sauce on his face, Grace had been midway through dinner when he returned.

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