Chapter Fifteen: The Job

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In the week that Chris had been thrown into the presidency, they'd had Kaitlan's inauguration, meetings with congressmen and women and Chris had taken his first visit to the floor of the Senate as President.

Grace had stood by and watched it all, supporting her husband when he needed it and working to make their house a home for the two of them.

Every time there was a new addition when Chris walked through the door, he relaxed and realised he was home. 

"I don't think that's a very good one for Chris to be seen at," Grace said, shaking her head at the event Harry had put forward for her husband.

Chris was busy in the office with Kaitlan and a few members of Congress talking about bills and what they wanted to revoke from Frank's half term.

"Then which ones?" Harry asked, standing back from the First Lady knowing Chris didn't like anyone getting too close to his wife.

It was one of his ground rules. Unless you can protect her, don't go near her.

Grace hummed, her eyes scanning the countless events people want the President to make an appearance at. Chris had more of a heart than the last guy, so it should be easier for him.

"The one for the homeless, any one that involves the American troops at home or abroad," Grace started, looking over her shoulder to make sure Harry was taking notes, "cancer fundraisers, we will donate if we can't be there in person, and you choose one that's upbeat, he could use a break,"

Harry nodded, his mind already trying to decide what would be best for Chris and what wouldn't make him even more uptight.

"Ma'am, your mother is on the line," Mary spoke, stepping into the room and looking at Grace who nodded and brushed off her pants as she headed to the phone.

Stopping in her tracks, she looked back at Harry who was still scribbling on his notepad.

"I mean it, Harry," she said in a warning tone, "fun, lighthearted, light on his mind," she continued, "and in saying that, I wonder if you might do me a favour?"


"I think that one is great, sir," Kaitlan spoke, looking at the initiative Chris wanted to pass for more mental health advocacy.

He wanted it pumped into schools, work places and facilities so people could feel less alone and know it's okay to talk about these things.

"Kaitlan, it's Chris, how many times do I have to tell you," Chris chuckled, signing his name to the initiative and handing it over to Kaitlan to do the same.

Checking his watch, he sighed to himself. It would be hours before he could go see Grace.

"Right, sorry, it's a force of habit," Kaitlan laughed, brushing her brunette hair out of her face and smiling at Chris, "I was talking to Will, and we would love to have dinner with you and Grace so we can all get to know each other a little more,"

Kaitlan knew this couldn't have been easy for the couple who were suddenly thrust into the spotlight. It was a big change in their lives. She wanted them to know she was someone they can rely on.

"That would be great. I'll talk to Grace about it, I'm sure she'll have some sort of plan," Chris said, knowing as a team they should know a lot more about each other than they do.

Kaitlan smiled and bid her goodbyes to the president and his advisor before heading to her own office to do the work she had been given.

"Sir, I've been instructed to take you out of the office," Harry said, putting away the bills they had been working on for the morning.

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