Chapter Twenty- Two: At Odds

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By the end of January, Chris still hadn't been able to shake the fact that his wife seemingly didn't trust him to be there for her or their son.

Chris had been a little busier lately. With word of the coronavirus beginning to spread across China, the government were trying their hardest to come up with plans should the disease hit the American borders.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Grace asked, settling Zach in his chair while his eyes scanned the room for his father.

Chris had left early that morning to get ahead on work so he could come home a little earlier. He had no national or international trips planned for the near future.

"Loops!" He grinned, banging his hands on the tray of his highchair. Grace smiled kissing the top of his head and moving to the kitchen to get what he wanted.

Every time Zach did something new, it eased her mind to know the little boy was growing and developing well with his parents.

They still had one social worker visit left and Grace was sure it would be soon considering it had been awhile since the last one.

"Good morning ma'am," Mary smiled, walking into the kitchen fixing her outfit for the day.

Grace didn't get to reply as a knock on the door brought Mary straight to it. Grace shook her head at how eager the woman was to do everything.

"Now, angel face, here's your spoon," Grace smiled, sitting in the chair in front of her son. She gave him the small plastic spoon before placing the bowl in front of him and watching him start to eat.

"Ma'am, this is Gina. A social worker for the final visit," Mary's voice called, breaking Grace from her thoughts as she watched her son.

Grace did everything she could to hold back a groan. This was the last thing she needed with her husband in work and her head feeling like it would roll off of her shoulders in seconds.

Standing, she shook the woman's hand, offering her a tight lipped smile. She made eyes at Mary who knew what was coming next.


Chris had been less than pleased that the social worker had decided to call so early in the morning. He had been in the middle of an important meeting that he had to hand to Kaitlan.

"You don't look well," Chris observed, watching his wife as they both sat on the floor with Zach playing with his toys.

Grace was looking a little green and sweating but had yet to find the time where she could leave.

"I don't feel well. I haven't taken any painkillers or anything," she admitted unbuttoning her blazer, "she's had eyes on me since she got here,"

"Good god, Grace you need to stop avoiding it," Chris said, knowing it would only make her more sick in the coming hours, "go. I'm here with Zach, he's not alone in a room,"

Before Chris could even finish speaking, she was up on her feet and rushing down the hall. Chris wanted to be with her and comfort her but he knew the social worker would only write up a bad report.

"Mama?" Zach asked, looking to the door where Grace had just disappeared.

Chris smirked, that was something for the social worker to write up. They'd had this woman before and she was less than welcoming to the idea that the President was an adoptive father.

"She's just outside, she'll be back in a second," Chris smiled, wiping the drool off of his sons chin and handing him one of his teething rings.


Two hours, and a complete missed work day later, the social worker had left. Chris was certain she'd have nothing bad to say about them or how Zach was doing under their care.

As mad as he was at his wife, he'd never let anything get in the way of them parenting Zach and making sure he was their priority.

"Any news on the pandemic?" Grace asked, dropping her tired body down on the chair in Zach's room.

Chris had the little boy in his arms. Swaying with him as he waited for Zach to fall asleep. It was passed his bedtime but Chris had kept him up a little bit longer.

"Uh, not much other than China has to completely lock down," Chris mumbled, kissing his sons cheek and shifting him so he was lying down rather than lying on his shoulder.

Grace smiled at the two, sitting back in the chair. Her head was killing her, her limbs were aching but she had taken enough flu medicine to dose the American military.

"Is it coming here?" She asked, eyes hooded as she watched Chris lie Zach in his bed and cover him with his blankets.

Chris hummed absentmindedly, brushing his fingers through Zach's hair before heading to leave the room.

"It's very likely," he answered, opening the door and stepping outside. Looking back, he watched Grace slowly drag her body from the chair and move towards the door with him.

"Chris honey please talk to me," she begged, sniffling when her nose started to run, "I'm sorry for what I said back in New York. It was wrong of me,"

Chris stopped outside their bedroom, turning to face her and sighing at the guilty look on her face and how tired she looked.

"I am trying you know?" Chris mumbled, opening their door and leading her inside.

Grace shrugged off her cardigan, throwing it to the side. She regretted ever opening her mouth, even if she was scared it would pull Chris away from his family if he won again.

"I know that, and I was stupid to even bring anything like that up," Grace admitted, attempting to remove her top but her arms gave up on her almost instantly.

Chris moved, lifting the top above her head and throwing it on the chair. He could tell she meant what she was saying, but he wouldn't leave anything get in the way of his family.

"I love you, and Zach," Chris mumbled, unbuttoning Grace's Levi's and moving them down her legs, waiting for her to step out of them.

That piece of clothing followed the others and she was left in her bra and panties until Chris unhooked the lace garment and replaced her clothes with one of his tee shirts. 

"But you also love your job," Grace said, a small smile on her lips. He was clearly fighting with himself, wanting to be there for his wife but also being hurt by what she had said.

Grace knew she had been stupid. And now she wanted nothing more than to take everything back.

"I do... but it won't take me away from you guys," Chris said, watching her as she tiredly fell against him, barely holding her head up.

Looking to the nightstand, he was glad to see fluids and medication on Grace's side of the bed. It was clear ignoring this wasn't going to make it go away.

"I know, I'm sorry," she whispered, she's slipping shut as she inhaled her husbands scent.

Chris gave in, accepting her apology by wrapping his arms around her and rubbing her back softly.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, pressing a kiss to the top of her head and feeling how clammy her skin was.

They both knew Chris should be sleeping in a different room when she was this sick but he didn't want to leave her and Chris was too tired to even find a comfortable room.

"Absolutely awful," she grumbled, locking her arms around his waist, lying against his chest and closing her eyes.

She was so excited to get into bed with her husband and actually sleep in his arms for the first time in a few nights.

"Bed?" Chris asked, pulling back to look at her. He pushed her hair behind her ear and frowned at how pale she looked in the light of their bedroom.

He made a mental note to get stronger flu medication the next day to make sure she wouldn't be suffering for too long.

"Bed," she agreed, cringing at how her voice sounded with her stuffed nose as Chris lifted her up and brought her to bed.

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