After a couple of minutes something came too mind. "Hey Shota? Can we stop by auntie Inko's house?" I asked him. He looked at me in the mirror in concern. "You sure?" He asked in a soft tone. I nodded. He switched directions when I told him too. About five minutes later we had arrived at auntie Inko's since it wasn't far from where we were.

I got out of the car and looked at the house. There were a couple of cops outside of the house. Probably getting ready too move everything out and sell it. I walked over and tapped on one of the officers shoulders. He turned to look at me. "Yes?" He asked.

"Am I allowed too take some stuff? I was really close with Inko." I said as politely as I could at the moment. "We don't have any proof of that. I'm sorry." He told me. "No, no, no! I saw him in almost all of the pictures on the wall, but he was younger." Another officer cut in.

"Come on in!" He told me. I gave him a small smile and walked in. I headed too Deku's room first. I walked in. Last time I had come, I had decided not to touch his All Might merch, but now, I wasn't fixing too let all his money go to waste. I opened the backpack that I had thrown on my back earlier today.

I carefully picked up each All Might action figure and placed it in the backpack. I folded every poster neatly and put them in the side pocket. I went to the closet and decided too just take the rest of his hoodies. I'm so glad he liked baggy hoodie's because otherwise they wouldn't fit me.

After placing most of them into the backpack there was one left. I placed the backpack down and grabbed the dark green hoodie. It wasn't an ugly green but it was a nice pretty dark green. It had a yellow bunny head in the middle. I had given this too him on his 15th birthday. But he didn't know that. I had given it too auntie Inko and told her to tell him it was a secret.

I remember the next day he came too school with it on and had said it was his favorite hoodie. I really didn't want too hurt him back then but it scared me. He was quirkless and he was dead set on being a hero. I was trying too show him that it was dangerous.

A tear slipped down my cheek but I could care less. I got up and grabbed my backpack. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Deku's backpack. The police must've brought it to auntie Inko after....that. I grabbed it and brought it with me. I walked out of the front door where a couple officers told me bye.

I walked back too the car and got inside. I put my backpack on the floorboard and I placed Deku's backpack in my lap. Shota drove around a bit. "Okay leave your stuff in here. We're getting McDonald's." He announced. "Yayyyyy!" Kami said bouncing in his seat. "Babe, calm down." Shin said. The whole car went silent.

I bust out laughing. "I knew it!" I said. Kami was looking down, hiding his red face. My bad mood forgotten I got out of the car and looked up at the McDonald's. I'll have to tell Sero. Through the window I could see people. I waited for the others then followed them inside.

I got Shinso too order for me while I found a table for us. I sat down in a four seater. I sat down near the window. I waited a couple of minutes, then my little group walked over with brown paper bags. Well Kami had a happy meal and Shota had a happy meal and a brown bag. Shinso handed me my bag and opened too find the spicy chicken sandwich.

"Who's the happy meal for?" I asked Shota. "It's for Eri." He told me sticking a french fry  in his mouth. I continued to eat my burger. Once I was done I got up. "I'm going to the bathroom." I told them. "Okay." They said as they continued to eat. I maneuvered around tables and people, getting a couple winks or overly flirty smiles. I ignored them all.

I went too wash my hands after I was done. As I finished I looked up too see some guy staring at me. I shifted uncomfortably. I grabbed some paper towels and dried my hands quickly. I went too turn around only to be stopped by a pair of hands on my hips.

I stiffened. "Hey baby~" He whispered in my ear. My breathing began too get heavier. What do I do? Fuck! "Could you please let me go?" I asked. I might as well try before getting violent.

"Why would I do that baby?" He asked, his hand slipping under my shirt. On instinct I squirmed away. "One last warning." I told him. I know we aren't allowed to use our quirks but I could still fight. Before he could answer his hands had left my hips. I turned around too see him on the floor. He looked up at me as his nose began too bleed. I didn't do anything. "What the FUCK? Is that your quirk you bitch!?" He yelled at me.

I flinched and backed against the wall. He got back up and walked towards me again. He was shoved once again too the floor. He groaned in pain while I flattened my self against the wall. I could feel the tears starting. I felt violated and disgusting. I don't understand.

The same thing happened at the mall. It's like some invisible person is protecting me. I took my chance while he was on the floor and ran. I ran out the door and straight to my table. A couple people stared at me. Probably because I was crying. I stood at my table and sniffed. Kami looked up at me then shot up.

"Hey, hey! What's wrong!?" He asked. Shota and Shinso looked up and also got up quickly. "Th-there was this g-guy in the bathroom and he touched me, b-but something shoved him." I quickly explained through my tears. Shota and Shin looked furious while Kami hugged me tightly. Shota activated his quirk and his hair swing up as his eyes glared red.

At this point the whole McDonald's was looking at us. "Somebody call the cops." He said. People began pulling out they're phones. I could tell a couple people recognized him as Eraserhead. Shota walked into the bathroom with Shinso in close pursuit. A minute later a couple mother's had come over with they're kids asking what had happened.

Kami would explain shortly while I swapped kids out on my lap. I had always had a soft spot for kids. I was gentle and dazed. "Hello! Aren't you the person from the sports festival?" A little girl with caramel closed hair and light purple eyes asked me as I set her on my lap. "Yeah that's me." I told her while swirling her hair around my finger.

"You know, you would be a great babysitter!" The mom of the little girl told me. "Thank you!" I said. "If you don't mind....could you be my babysitter? I've had plenty but none of them worked. But Camilee seems too love you!" She exclaimed.

"I have school but I can on the weekends!" I told her. I wouldn't mind babysitting. "That's perfect! You'll get payed 20$ an hour! If that's okay." She said happily. "That's perfect! When do I start?" I asked still slightly dazed. My eyes burned. "This weekend?" She asked moving some of her brown hair behind her ear. "Okay! I'll need a number and address. My name is Katsuki Bakugo." I told her.

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