Crouching Courtney, Hidden Owen

Comincia dall'inizio

Owen then gets on the skateboard, only to break with him falling to the ground.

Owen: "...Okay, I grabbed a burger."

Beth: I can see that.

James: Yeah, that makes sense.

*Start of Confessional*

Owen: "Chris wants me to spy on the two teams and pick one to sabotage, which bites. I only agreed to be a mole cause they offered me enough cash to pay off my mom's debt on that cheese cellar. And I hate being so sneaky and unrepented. But getting out of challenges rules. *Chuckles*."

*End of Confessional*

Chris: In Kung Fu movies, actors train with stunt choreographers before they film their fight scenes. So today, each team will have a trainer and a fighter. Pick your roles and train as hard as you can in a Kung Fu style of your choice. *Japanese Accent* "The battle begins when noble heron flies east."

Duncan: And in "human," that would be?

Chris: Four hours.

Chris then puts on the wire he took off earlier.

Chris: May the best "Fu" win. Excelsior.

The wire then sends Chris flying out of here.

James: There are tons of fighting styles to choose from; Dragon, Tiger, Snake, and so on.

Duncan: Great, you can be the fighter.

*Start of Confessional*

Duncan: "It's about time I get some payback, and I'm more than happy to do it while I teach him. "Of course, the best way to learn how to throw a punch is to get punched..." Repeatedly."

*End of Confessional*


Duncan then takes me to the film lot parking garage for me to clean the Lame-O-Sine.

Duncan: Come on, come on. Work those pecks. Get in the "Zen Zone" with it.

Chris: Can you make him wax my car too?

Duncan: Which one's yours?

Chris: All of them.

I then looked at the parking lot to see a lot of cars.

Chris and Duncan: *Laughs*

I then threw a bucket of water at Duncan as it soaked him.

James: *Laughs*

Duncan then jumps at me, and we start beating each other up.


After twenty minutes of beating up each other, I started doing push-ups with Duncan standing on my back. I also see Beth is also doing push-ups, with Courtney directing her. Courtney sees us and places a large rock on Beth's back, and then she gets on top of it. Duncan then gets off me and heads off somewhere as I start to do my push-ups faster, but Duncan comes back while riding a moose and puts it on my back, and I am in absolute pain right now.

Duncan: Be one with the pain.


After recovering from the moose push-up incident, I'm at a picnic with Duncan coming with a tray with a lid on it. He then places it down and offers me chopsticks.

James: Lunchtime already?

Duncan: It's an exercise for your reflexes. You can eat whatever you catch.

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