Ocean's Eight - Or Nine

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Chris: "Last time on Total Drama Action..." We learned that war movies are brutal! At first, our contestants were flying high. But tensions soon ran deep when Grips couldn't capture the footlocker to win the challenge, despite the inspiring leadership of Admiral Lindsay, Her Hotness. And while the Gaffers technically won that battle, you have to "wonder" if they lost the war because their "biggest" conflict is still with each other. "In the end, even though Owen's jaw was "wired shut," his heart was wide open as he faced a plus-sized voting tragedy." Was it time for Izzy to go? Again? Uh, yeah! That girl is a complete whackjob! You keep coming back for the explosive drama; I keep coming back for the perks. Car chase this week! And with only eight contestants left, the engines are on, and the stereo is "set" to thump to the catchy opening theme song. It's time for some more Total. Drama. Action!

Audience POV

Every contestant except James is in the Craft Services Tent eating breakfast. Duncan is carving pictures onto the table, with Heather looking at him.

Duncan: What?

Heather: Vandal. Nerd.

Harold: *Blows Raspberry*

Leshawna: We have to all stop acting like babies, or every one of us is going home.

*Start of Confessional*

Harold: "Ever since Leshawna sold us all up the river for a day at the spa, I've finally come to "see" that she's only looking out for herself. Of course, if I looked like that, I'd probably just look at myself all day, "too." Uh, but she's a bad, selfish person! Bad! So bad..."

*End of Confessional*

Heather: Come on, you guys. What Leshawna did is for the best. Nobody needs a day at the spa-like "she does." "In fact," you could write a tell-all book about her hairdo called: "Weave Got Problems."

Leshawna: Nobody's "gonna" argue with her?

Harold: Sounds like an entertaining read.

Leshawna: I'm going back to the trailer.

Leshawna then got up from her seat and started heading outside.

Duncan: Try not to let the door hit your butt on the way out!

Heather: Door? It's a tent, idiot boy.

Duncan: Uh, it's a figure of speech?

Harold: "What you should've said was don't let the flap fluttery..."

Heather and Duncan: Shut up, Harold.

Leshawna: "They're gonna pay." "Leshawna's revenge..."

Suddenly, Leshawna got bagged by an intern and taken off-screen.

Beth: I feel so lucky to "still" be here.

Owen: And I am back on track! My jaw's unwired and back in business! I can finally eat like "normal people!" Hahaha!

Owen then takes his plate of bacon and eggs and devours them completely.

Lindsay: Or like thirty "normal people."

Owen: *Gulps* Say, where's James? He never misses breakfast.

Beth: It's the scar he got from the last challenge.

Owen: Oh yeah.

Beth: He was lucky that piece of glass didn't hit his eye. Or he would have been one-eyed for the rest of his life. But that scar under his eye makes him look cool!

TDA: Contestant JamesWhere stories live. Discover now