Get a Clue

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Chris: Once upon a time on Total Drama Action. There was a princess trapped in a tower. Well, okay. Courtney got stashed in some "tower" for a couple of hours. But still, a bunch of knights went to rescue her. Along the way, some were "lost." A "knight" turned on "another" when Duncan rudely mentioned the Fair Gwen, and a prince prevailed. But it was no fairytale ending for Princess Courtney and Prince Harold. The girl "just" won't stop winning. And so, Prince Harold got the boot. And the rest of them lived happily ever after. NOT! Come on. "This" is "Total Drama Action." Forget happily. We've got "fight," "danger," "maiming," this time, there might even be murder. "So keep your eyeballs "glued" right here on another homicidal episode of..." Total Drama Action!

James' POV

"All of us are in the Crafts Services Tent having breakfast, which is a breakfast taco."

James: Breakfast taco? I'm starting to think this is all Chef knows how to make now.

Lindsay: "Is eggshell?"

James: I'm not sure what his food is anymore. His food either tastes terrible or the definition of nasty.

As I took a bite out of my breakfast taco, I felt something unusual inside of it, so I used my hand to get it out, which turned out to be a Flash Drive.

James: What the?

Duncan: Maybe Chef ran out of stuff to put in the eggs. All he's "got" left is computer hardware.

Lindsay: What if there's something on it? Something challenging?

Beth: "Only one way to find out." Stick it in Courtney's PDA.

Courtney: My PDA is going anywhere near that goober-coded thing.

Duncan then takes Courtney's PDA from her hands.

Courtney: Hey!

Duncan: I thought you wanted to win this!

Courtney: *Sighs* Do what you have to do.

Duncan then takes the flash drive from my hand and puts it into Courtney's PDA. We then see that it's a video message from Chris.

Chris' Recording: I hope you all had a filling breakfast. It was so "delish!" I was practically on cloud nine! I could have had a dozen of them. Ha-ha! But enough about breakfast. It's time eighty-six this combination. Ah, I mean, conversations.

Beth: So "weird." I think maybe Chris needs a vacation.

Chris' Recording: "Right now, I'm gonna relax in a nice "safe" and secure place and get ready for today's challenge." You're probably wondering what the challenge is. It will remain a mystery until you find me. Hopefully, you'll clue in and track me down. But in the meantime, I'm going to crack open a soda and relax. "See ya!"

Duncan: "Unless there's a killer reward, I'm not gonna bother finding Chris." I could use a day off from that wiener.

James: Duncan's right. I say we let Chris wait for us.

Lindsay: "Yeah, but maybe if we find Chris, he'll have some kind of surprise." Who doesn't love surprises? I think he was giving us hints. He said he was on "cloud nine." That's like Heaven, which means he's not alive anymore. What do you do with dead people? You bury them. So maybe he's buried underground. "Maybe we should dig and see if we find him."

Duncan: Uh, we could. "The only problem is that makes zero sense."

*Start of Confessional*

Lindsay: "No one ever listens to me anymore since Courtney got here. What's so weird about Chris being buried alive?"

*End of Confessional*

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