Dial M for Merger

Start from the beginning

Leshawna has been barricading the door while Beth is panicking, and I feel bad for locking Harold outside.

James: I can't believe I locked Harold outside. I'm such a horrible person.

Beth: "We're all gonna die!"

James: Beth, listen to me. Everything is going to be okay. "Just breath." There is no way for them to get us in here.

Beth: *Sobbing*

James: Breath, Beth, Breath!

Leshawna: "Oh, no, this is not happening to me!"

Suddenly, something broke through the window, and we saw gas coming out of it. We all started coughing as I began losing consciousness.


As soon as I was starting to regain consciousness, I suddenly got hit in my left eye.

James: Ah! Dammit! That was my eye!

Beth: I'm so sorry! Are you okay?

James: "Yeah...I'm fine." Where's a mirror?

I then noticed a small mirror was in here with us, so I picked it up to see that I got a black eye.

James: Man, why is it always the eyes?!

Courtney: Hey! Where is my PDA?

Courtney then sees that Beth has picked it up off the ground.

Courtney: Uh! Trying to steal it again, I see.

Beth: No! I was "just" trying to give it back. Swearsies.

Courtney then does the "I have my eyes on you" look on Beth. We then see Chris appearing on a projection with him petting a cat.

Chris: *Laughing maniacally* Welcome to the cloak-and-dagger world of spy movies, man and woman.

Duncan: Dude, what's with the bad Jamaican accent?

Leshawna: Jamaican? More like Japanese.

Courtney: No, Swedish!

Beth: French!

Harold: Kinda sounds like Italian to me.

James: It's Russian, you guys!

Chris: Ding-ding-ding! Double-O-Seven here has hit the jackpot!

Duncan: *Chuckles* Really?

Chris: Any good spy in any good spy movie must have three essential skills. One. The ability to deactivate a bomb. Two, the ability to escape an exploding building. And three, the ability to fake an accent that makes people believe you "actually" speak the language. Like my fab Russian accent, mahn. You'll need two of the three skills to get through today's reward challenges. Can you guess which two? Let me give you a hint. Not the third one, man. *Laughs maniacally*

Courtney: *Gasps* Does anyone know anything about bombs?

Lindsay: Oh! I do, I do!

*Start of Confessional*

Lindsay: "I once was in a musical about the environment called The Three Rs. I was Recycle, and my best friend Marcy played Reduce. She paints her nails grapefruit, just like me. Anyway. Only three people showed up, and the director said it bombed. So, yeah, I know a thing or two about bombs."

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