Ocean's Eight - Or Nine

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, something sharp cuts into the top of the tent and creates a hole, with Chris descends into the tent on a rope.

Beth: What an entrance!

Chris: Consider it a hint as to this week's movie genre!

Duncan: Is it lame 'o rock climbing, wannabe host movies?

Chris: No, this week we're paying tribute to the action-packed bank-heist gangster caper film!

Owen: Uh, Chris, our team still has a teammate who hasn't eaten breakfast yet.

Heather: Well, our other teammate just went back to the trailer. But we don't care.

Chris: James and Leshawna are gone, people, because rescuing them is the first part of your challenge.

Beth: *Gasps*

Lindsay: *Gasps*

Owen: *Gasps*

Lindsay: *Gasps*

Duncan: *Yawns* Oh, pardon me.

Chris: They've both been "locked up" in state-of-the-art safes, along "with" all the tools each team will need to commit a movie-perfect bank robbery. Your job is to crack the safes, rescue your teammates, grab the equipment, and try to be the first ones to rob the First National Bank of Chris. Let's kick it, gangstas!

James' POV

James: "...Ugh..." "My head..." What happened?

"I then looked around to see that I was inside...a bank vault?!"

James: Hello?! Is anybody out there! Anybody!? Somebody get me out of here!

After shouting for about a minute or two, I looked around the room to find something to get me out of here. I then see my MP3 player on the floor and pick it up. When I looked at it, I saw the scar on my face from the screen's reflection.

James: "Oh..." Why did it have to be me?

I then look around to see some bank robbing tools for some reason.

James: *Sighs* I might be in here for a while.

I laid back, started to relax, and began listening to my MP3 Player.

?: James! Can you hear me!

I then looked around to see a vent. Is someone trying to call for me?

James: Hello?

?: James! It's me, Beth!

James: Beth! Oh, thank goodness. I honestly thought that I was going to be stuck in here forever. Now get me out of here!

Beth: We can't. We don't know the combination to the safe.

James: Well, hang on, maybe the combo to get me out might be inside here with me.

Beth: Okay.

I then looked around the room to check for anything that could help me get out of here. I then found an unlocked safety deposit box and opened it to find a combo on it.

James: I think I found it.

Beth: Really?

James: Try Twenty-six, Seven, Fifteen. 

Beth: Got it.

Beth then goes to try the combination that I gave her, and it works! The vault starts to open up with her, Owen, and Lindsay outside, although Owen seems way hungrier than he usually is.

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