🥀story 2 ( I love you) ( chapter 2 )

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Continue in mallika's pro..

I don't know why thay all did I was confused when a girl came her name is avneet shr said that they did that much make up for a boy . Who is that boy I don't know and I got to know that avneet is also last year so we both together went to out class . After reaching class avneet went and sat beside a boy . I don't know ho he is . May be he is avneet's friend . I went and sat on the last bench which was free no one was there . I went and sat on the bench . A boy entered the class he was really handsome and so cute I don't know but he was looking like a sincere student he didn't said anything he silently came and sat beside me I don't know why he came and sat beside me but he didn't said anything I didn't ask him anything or he ask me anything it was really silent I agree that hev is handsome in class all the girls were staring at me like I did something wrong murmuring something cursing me I don't know what I did they always looking at me like that soon teacher came and started giving us lecture it was full boring but the boy beside me was listening it carefully and interestingly . I don't know what he heard in that lecture . why no one was listening in the whole class all girls wear just staring st the boy beside me instead of listening to the lecture giving of teacher . They all were just staring this side I just felt so much Awaken when they all were staring like that . After some time all the classes completed as it was free time . Avneet came and took me to Canteen and we both at ordered Sandwich and sat on a table I asked her.

End of mallika's pro ...

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