The living room is empty, and the kitchen was clean now from the pancakes. I made my way to Simon and talia room to see if she was ready because the uber was on its way to the flat building. She was sat on the bed finishing off her makeup and a notebook next to her with a page open at a page called rent free I clocked that she was trying to memorise the song we were going to record.

"hey" I said making my presence known.

She looked up from what she was doing a smiled lovingly ay me leaning on the door frame.

"Hey there, I'm nearly finished was just looking over the lyrics that I did lats night for the song" she replied closing up her note pad and starting to put away her make up, shoving it under the bed

"It's ok take your time the uber won't be here for another 5 minutes yet "I replied looking into her eyes.

She stared back giving me the same loving look I was giving her the same energy radiating from one another.

"I'll be out in a minute let me just gather my things" she said breaking the eye contact.

I shot her a quick smile and left the room and sitting in the living room waiting for her.

The feel of hurt I had in my heart when the eye contact was broken, the feeling kept playing on my mind. So many questions playing on my mind at ones. What is this feeling? Why her? why did it hurt? All these questions I didn't have an answer to a I was determined to find the answer to all of them.

Talia's pov

What the hell is this feeling and why does it have to be him? That feeling when the eye contact broke made me feel weak, it hurt in a way I've never felt. It feels so wrong these feelings I have for jj for the way it must feel to be in Simon's place. Yes, he doesn't know but if I were him, it would hurt but it feels so right to feel like this, like it's what I was meant to feel. Was born to feel. It like a feeling I've being wating to feel all my life but never found it till now.

I make my way out mine and Simons room into the living room to see jj just sat on his phone. He looks up at me and sends me a warm smile to me I send the same smile back and he makes his way over to me.

"You ready to go the car is outside" he state picking up his jacket and putting it on

"Ye already" I reply in the same manner

We walk out the door jj locking it as simon was still asleep after a long night of a charity stream, he did. We walked side by side not saying a word to one another, but it wasn't awkward it was a comfortable silence around us. The car wasn't far from the building, so it wasn't far of a walk.

We made it to the car and made our way to the studio. It was a comfortable silence jj was on his phone and I was just daydreaming out the window, it wasn't the best day in London the overcast making it look like it going to rain but I don't think it will everyday look like this.

I was snaped out of my thoughts when I heard the car door opening on jj's side, I followed his actions and made my way out the car making sure to tip the driver.

We walked into the studio sighing in a walking to your room. There were a few producers there, me a jj didn't know how to work anything in here but the booths.

"I'm really nervous" I whispered to jj "I only use my studio at the apartment I never really come to the big ones" I confess as we went to sit down

"you'll be fine trust me is the same just abit bigger with a few more people "he slimes warmly at me

"Yes, I guess just gonna push the nerves away and do what I love to do" I replied going him the same warm smile

"you two ready to go everything's set up a ready to go" one of the producers announces to us. We walk up to the DJ desk and jj pulls up the beat after plugging in his laptop.

My verse is first I have the hook verse jj has the main verses and I have the choreus

I walk into the booth the mic is way too high for me I'm very short. Jj comes in the adjust the mic for me. We are stood very close to each other, and everything feels like it's in slow motion. I just wanted to stay near him, like it was gravitating to towards him and every time where close we have to get closer than the last time.

The mic was adjusted and jj slowly made his way out the booth I heard to music start through my headphones my note pad was open to the bit I was singing, and I just sang I sang the first hook which was also the chorus throughout the song. The music stopped after I had finished the first part, I put the headphone on there right stand and walked out.

"That was really amazing talia it fits well with the beat and works well with my verses" jj beamed at me pulling me into a tight hug. I wasn't complaining though in fact I hugged him back with same amount of passion. "Thank you I was really nervous" I Wisper into his ear. We pulled away after what felt like hours but in reality, was only a few seconds.

Jj had to re do one of his verses to fit the flow right so after we broke apart, he walked into to booth, readjusted the mic to fit his size and re did one of his verses and did his last verse that needed to be done. So far it was coming out to be a good song I just had to finish off 2 other chorus pieces then it would be done and ready for the album.

I can't help but keep re playing the hug me and jj had earlier, I felt so safe in his arms I could stay there forever and never got bored of his touch. The emptiness felling when we separated ways like I had just lost the other half of me.

My heart is telling me to run and let jj hold me till he can no more, but my head is telling me you have a boyfriend at home who loves you.

What would you do in this situation? Because I'm lost do I follow my head... or my heart 

The love affair//ksi and talia Where stories live. Discover now