chapter 11

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(Ainz now arrives in the orc villiage)

Demiurge: (bows) my lord, you have arrived..

Ainz: yes!

Demiurge: i trust the negotiation with the vampires went well

Ainz: it did. They are in nazerick as we speak

Demiurge: i expected nothing less from our amazing and supreme ruler

Ainz: thank you demiurge, you flatter me too much, now into business

Demiurge: of course lord, the orc lord is waiting for you in the main housing building

Ainz: thank you demuirge, why dont you join me as my assistant for the meeting

Demiurge: it would bring me absulute happieness my lord to accompany you on the meeting (bows)

Ainz: alright lets go (walks towards the main building on where the orc king is)

Random orc: (whispers) so thats the great ainz ooal gown... he doesnt look that tough at all now

Random orc 2: yea even i think we can beat him

Demiurge: these lowly-

Ainz: calm down demiurge, we are here to negotiate, not pick a fight understood?

Demiurge: yes lord, i apologize

Ainz: (walks in brick building)

????: lord ainz ooal gown.... i see you have returned

 i see you have returned

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(Orc lord Slade)

Ainz: (*thoughts* dude this guy is freakin huge) (clears throat) yes i am, and as you can see my appearence has changed for i am a demon god now

Slade: demon god you say.. (smiles) well mr lord ainz ooal gown, you certainly dont look like a demon god (walks around ainz looking at his appearence)

Demiurge: (gets a tick on forehead)

Ainz: are you done yet?

Slade: Mmmm, if you truly are lord ainz ooal gown, i want you to prove it to me that you are him and not some random puny human trying to be him

Demiurge: HOW DARE-

Ainz: easy demiurge, (smiles) so you want me to prove im ainz ooal gown... ok we can have a dual if you'd like

Slade: it works for me, we can hold the battle in the middle of the village

Ainz: fine lets go

(Orc slade and ainz and demiurge walking by ainz' side going to the middle ground of the village)

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