Chapter 41- The Two and a half feet tall Troublemaker

Start from the beginning

'I don't think you should be smoking' he heard a familiar voice and grimaced at it, just when his day had started to get a little better, there she was again.

'Oh, dear! God help me now!' he muttered to himself. 'Ms. Watson, you are supposed to be in bed' he stated as a matter of fact and extinguished his cigarette.

The girl was standing at the balcony door and staring up at him with her sleepless eyes. 'You shouldn't smoke. Daddy says Uncle Greg puts people who smoke in jail.' She said and completely ignored his last statement.

Mycroft raised his eyebrow and smirked 'Way to avoid the matter at hand, child. And what did Sherlock say to that?' he asked and played along.

'I don't know. Before he could say anything, Daddy threw a book at his face' she told him.

'What a fitting reply for Sherlock, I should remember that next time' he muttered.

'What?!' Rosie asked since she didn't hear him clearly.

'Nothing you need to know. You should be in bed' he told her.

'And you shouldn't be smoking' Rosie shot back.

So, she was challenging him now. Mycroft accepted the challenge 'This is my house, child. I can do whatever I want in here' he told her.

'But daddy says smoking is bad for you' she told him.

'It is, but....' He stopped himself right there. It probably wasn't a good idea to tell a child that even if smoking was bad for his health, it was good for his stress. Dr. Watson would have his head if he did that. 'Why are you out of bed?' he asked changing the topic smoothly. If Dr. Watson's deceptive little brat could do it, so could he.

'I can't sleep' she slouched and looked down at her feet, pouting.

No, no, no. That's how they get you. They are nothing but deceptive little parasites, feeding off of those larger than them, taxing burdens, little deviants, troublemakers.... He wasn't going to let those miniature features trick him into submission. He was better than that. Do not give in to the little rug rat's tricks, he told himself. 'Go back to your room, get into bed, close your eyes and try to sleep' he said sternly.

'I tried it. It doesn't work' she whined.

'Well, then try again' he told her.

'But I can't sleep, Mikey' she whined

'You will stop calling me that. The name is Mycroft' he told for the umpteenth time. Why could this girl not understand such a simple thing? What was Sherlock teaching her anyway? He thought.

'It's difficult and ridiculous' she told him.

'It is not. Now go back to bed' he said sternly.

'No' she stomped her foot and folded her arms across her chest.

Mycroft sighed in exasperation. 'What will it take to get you to sleep?' he asked in irritation.

Rosie thought for a minute 'Hot Chocolate' she said doubtfully.

'Alright, but you better sleep after that.' He warned and strode to the kitchen.

Rosie followed him. 'Can I help?' she asked excitedly.

'Just because I live with her doesn't mean I've turned into her. You will sit and wait' he said and picked her up, plopping her down on the barstool.

After he made her some hot chocolate, he took her back to the guest bedroom she was staying in.

'Get in' he said and lifted the comforter.

Rosie smiled and jumped into the bed.

'Aren't you going to tuck me in?' she asked when Mycroft started walking away.

Eyes On You: Book-1 [A Mycroft Holmes Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now