Chapter Thriteen

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Eric walked behind Micah, much like a bodyguard

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Eric walked behind Micah, much like a bodyguard. Now while Micah didn't mind the protection detail, he would prefer for Eric to stop glaring at everyone.

"Can you please stop?" He asked softly, holding the door open.

Eric frowned in confusion, "Stop what?" He asked with a small head tilt.

"The glaring. Your making people uncomfortable."

Eric smiled widely, "Good, then that means no harm shall come to you."

Micah walked into the main hall, shaking his head softly, "the only people who could hurt me have already done it. You have no one to protect me from."

Eric watched the teen sadly, ignoring the pained whimpers from the Cullens on the other side of the room, "What about the note giver?" He asked.

Micah paused, what about the note giver, he thought. Micah had honestly forgot all about that note he had shoved in his locker all those months ago.

'What note?' Eric's voice asked, ringing through the teens head, 'Sorry, you where projecting quite loudly. It was hard not to hear' he apologised after seeing the look on Micah's face.

Using his shield, Eric put up a bubble around both his and Micah's thoughts so Edward couldn't be nosy and look through his mind to see what Micah was talking, or well thinking about.

Micah grabbed his lunch tray and started piling food onto it, not caring for what it was, 'It's fine. My fault for thinking to loud. And besides, it's nothing. Don't worry about it.' He dismissed.

Grabbing himself a bottle of water and a small bowl of food, he followed after Micah, where they both paid for their lunch.

'Micah, I was sent here to protect you. I can not do that if you hiding things from me.' Eric said in a soft but firm voice, reminding Micah of a scolding older brother.

Micah sighed through his nose, sitting at an empty table because his friends hadn't arrived yet.

Micah gave Eric a pleading look to drop it, but only received a stern one back. Micah sighed again, he didn't want to talk about it, mostly because he was embarrassed by his melt down, not long after he had gotten the note.

'You know I won't judge you for that. You are only human, it happens. You forget, I am over three hundred years old. I have seen empires crumble, I have seen kings fall and children cry.' Eric winced at the look he received, 'Sorry'

Micah just shook his head softly and decided it was best to get it over with. So, closing his eyes, he started picturing everything for Eric to see, unknowingly doing something that had never happened to the vampire when shown memories.

Eric frowned, instead of being in the lunch hall, he was now standing in the hallway in-front of a set of lockers.

Eric felt strange. Usually when shown memories, it was shown in the person's perspective. Never had he ever actually been taken to the memory itself.

Eric turned to look down the hall as the sound of hurried footsteps reached his ears. That was when the vampire spotted Micah walking briskly down the hall.

Walking towards the teen, Eric leaned over Micah's shoulder as said teen stopped at his locker.

Micah opened the little blue door, only to gasp when a small slip of paper slid out and fell to the floor.

Eric frowned as Micah shrugged before picking it up and opening it. Reading over his shoulder, Eric growled softly.

'I know what the Cullens are. I know what you've done. You have taken what's mine, and I will take them back.

Watch yourself, Micah Swan, because I'm coming for you'

The seen around him faded and was replaced with another where a distraught Micah was standing in front of his mirror, glaring at his reflection.

"Stop being so scared all the time!" Micah spat at himself, taking a step forward, "Stop being so weak!" Another step, "So Cowardly!" One more, "So dependant on others!"

Eric watched sadly from his spot behind the teen. He could understand why Micah didn't want him to know now, except he didn't see it at embarrassing, he saw it as vulnerability. Something you never show to dangerous strangers. Even if they are meant to protect you.

Eric watched as Micah let out a cry of anger or pain, he didn't know, raise his fist and punch the mirror as hard as he could, causing the glass to shatter around his hunched over form.

Slowly the seen faded out into darkness.

Eric blinked and found himself back in the main hall, sat next to Micah. He turned to the teen, 'Thank you for showing me,' he said gently, 'I will not share what I have seen with another being, but I promise. No one will lay a hand one you while I am here.'

Micah smiled sadly, looking back down to his tray, neither of them knowing how wrong the vampire actually was.

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