Chapter Six.

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Angela stood, leaning on the doorframe as she gazed at Micah's lifeless form

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Angela stood, leaning on the doorframe as she gazed at Micah's lifeless form. When Micah had woken up, he had let out the most painful scream She had ever heard.

Charlie had called an ambulance, not know what was wrong. They had stayed at the hospital all night as they tried to find out what was wrong.

In the end they had told them that Micah's heart was on the brink of failure and all the strain it was being put through to keep him alive is what was causing his pain.

At this point, there wasn't much they could do, other than to give him pain medication. They had sent Micah home and told them to keep an eye on him while they looked into getting him a new heart.

"How is he?" Jessica asked as she stood next to her friend.

Angela sighed, "He's asleep at the moment, but I don't know. What caused this? Because he was fine this morning, then suddenly he goes for a talk with Edward and then this happens." She gestured towards the sleeping Micah.

"You don't think he did something, do you?" Jessica asked curiously.

Angela shrugged, "I don't know. But if I find out he did, there won't be a cave deep enough for him to hide." Angela shut the door and headed downstairs, Jessica following in tow.

Over three thousand miles away, a small family of vampires just climbed out of the black car that took them to Volterra.

"Edward." Demetri smirked, his glowing red eyes gleaming with mischief.

"We are here to see this kings." Said Carlisle. The guards nodded, "This way." With a swish of there cloaks, the two royal guards began leading the Cullens through the dense, dark and damp corridors until they reached a set of dark oak doors.

The doors opened with a loud creak, revealing three young males sat on thrones. The first was Aro. Aro is a tactile telepath which means he can see every thought you've ever had just from touch alone.

Aro had a tall lean figure with long raven hair that fell just above his lower back. His fingers where littered with rings and he carried himself with superiority.

To his left was Caius. Caius was an ex gladiator so while he had now power, he was excellent in battle strategy and because of that, the Volturi rarely lost a fight.

Caius was just a little bit shorter than Aro but his muscle where more pronoun. He had shoulder length platinum blond hair, and his face was always pulled into a snarl.

To his right was Marcus. Marcus is quite similar to Jasper but not quite the same. Instead of feeling emotions, he could see the bonds between people, which is what helped him create the Volturi coven.

Much like Aro, Marcus had a tall lean figure with long brunette hair that fell just past his elbow, And he always looked like he was on the brink of death.

Aro stood up from his throne with a clap of his hands as he glided down the marble steps, "My dear friend, Carlisle. It is so good to see you again."

Carlisle gave a stiff smile in return, "It is good to see you too, Aro."

"What brings you by?" Aro asked, extending his hand. Reaching out, Carlisle placed his hand in Aro's and grimaced slightly at the feeling of someone looking through all his memories.

"Oh dear." Aro drawled out, dropping his hand to his side, "That is a problem." He turned to the guards, "Everyone but Eric, leave."

Once everyone had left the room, with no questions asked, Aro turned to his most loyal Guard, "Eric, I want you to take the jet to Forks Washington, and check up on the boy. Report back immediately."

With a short bow, Eric flashed out of the room leaving a very angry king. Aro turned his attention towards the Cullens.

"You imbeciles!" He roared, "Do you not understand the consequence of what you have done!"

"We where trying to protect him!" Edward said quickly, trying to come to there defence. They where doing the right thing, that had to keep Micah save and if that meant leaving, then as much as it pained them, that's what they would do.

"Brother?" Caius asked in a bored tone, "What have they done now?"

"They have left there human Mate behind instead of taking him with them, because his life was being threatened."

"What!" Caius and Marcus roared in anger. What have they done! Didn't they understand what would happen when you leave your mate after already being with them! Didn't they know the risks!

It was only then that Marcus saw the gold band that wrapped around the four Cullen start to dim in colour.

"In trying to protect him, you have caused his death sentence! Is he doesn't die from the rejection, he will spend the rest of his life in pain! That is why we turn them! Mates are sacred! They must be protected at all times! And you Cullens have just hurt one!"

Edward shook his head stubbornly, while his family looked destroyed and broken, he didn't want to believe his Mate would die. Micah was strong. He would survive and he would find someone better. But even he knew, he was just lying to himself.

"Brother." Marcus drawled out in his usually pained voice. Aro snapped his head towards his eldest brother and Maker and flashed over, taking his extended hand.

"Oh, dear. Now that is a problem." He turned towards the Cullens who where now on there knees, "Your Mate bond is dimming."

Aro slowly made his way back to the Cullens who looked even more broken, "By order of the Volturi. You will get on the first plane back to forks, you will get on your knees and you will beg him for forgiveness. If he hasn't dies before you get there, that is. And should he die, you shall down 100 years with no head in our dungeon."

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