Chapter 10

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Authors Note

Hi! I hope you're enjoying my story! If you are drop a vote! If you aren't I would love to hear constructive criticism on how I could make this story better. I am a college student so I don't always have time to update this story but I love to write and would love to finish this story. If you have any thoughts on this story feel free to share them in the comments.

Astra's POV


While Rose and I set up the trap for the troll I was thinking a lot about what happened. Honestly, I'm still a little upset that she let me think that she was kidnapped or worse. I guess I'm a little upset with myself as well. I did not make her feel comfortable coming out to me. I mean come on I'm a lesbian does she really think that I would judge her for being trans? I mean I guess I sort of get it with her family. Tho-I mean Rose comes from a conservative Christian family. She has two older siblings and her older sister came out as a lesbian. Her parents almost kicked her sister out and basically barred Rose from seeing her sister because she was a quote bad influence. So I guess I understand why Rose has trust issues I just guess I never thought she would be scared to be herself with me. I mean I have known her for almost my whole life. I remember when I came out to her. We were having a movie night when I was fifteen. I was so nervous. I knew that Roses's parents were homophobic but she never seemed that way with her sister. I really was not sure how she was going to react though. We were both on the couch in the family room watching some foreign film. After the movie, I almost lost the nerve but I forced myself to tell her that I liked girls. I honestly braced for the worst but she just smiled at me and told me that liking girl was fine and anyone who had a problem with that was not worthy to be my friend. Honestly, that moment strengthened our friendship so much. How could I reject her when she never rejected me? I look at her while she works and just thinks about how I didn't connect the dots. I mean she never acted like a boy really. so maybe I am just a really thick person. This maybe sounds weird but I kind of like that Rose is a girl. Maybe this was because she was trans but Rose always had an awkwardness that always seemed to follow her around. Like she was always uncomfortable. But now it's kind of just gone. Because now she has the body of her mind's eye. And that's a girl. A really gorgeous girl. Like REALLy gorgeous. It was honestly fitting. If Rose is a girl does that mean that she likes boys? She never really told me either way I guess. Well if a boy was going to date her I better make sure that the boy who gets to date her is a really great guy. My bestfriend desverse the absoulte best. I mean she is so nice and kind and beautiful and pretty. She deserves only the best.

I was so deep in thought that I guess I did not speak much to Rose while we were working on this trap. Now that it was finished I was to go act as bait. Rose offered but I don't want her to get in a spot again where I will worry about her.

"It is time that I show you how strong I am now! I'll show you how good I am at trapping trolls." I then winked at her. It almost looked like she blushed but it must just be that I cant see as well because it's dusk.

"Be careful Hun! Please don't get hurt!"

"Don't worry about me hun Ill get back to you safe and sound. I'll always be back for my princess!" Again it almost looked like Rose was blushing, but I've always called her princess even when I didn't know she was trans. She never blushed then so why would she now?

I then went back to the troll's camp. I decided to climb a tree to get a better view. I saw a cave around half a mile away. I normally would not be able to see that far in the dark but I learned a spell that increases your vision and helps you see in the dark. The only downside is that it lasts for like five minutes so I just recently activated it. The cave had a big boulder in front of it and it started to move. I then saw the troll come out. It then started to head towards camp. When it was almost to the camp I got down from the tree. I then took one of the torches I had found in the camp earlier. I then lit the torch. After a few minutes, the troll came through the trees into the camp. He then looked at me and bellowed "I WILL EAT HUMAN!"

I took off running toward the trap and I could tell the troll was following because he was so big and loud. Honestly, I had to run faster than I was planning to because the troll could move decently fast. I finally made it to the point where we had set the trap and I quickly got behind a bigger tree and hid. The troll was not too far behind. He ran right where we wanted him and he ran into the tripwire springing the trap. The troll was so huge that the counterbalance was almost not enough. The troll was only a foot off the ground. The troll was moving around so much in the net that when I got close to the net he almost hit me. Rose and I were able to get to the face of the troll without getting hit. we then both started to perform a sleep spell. It took a bit of time and we had to touch his face to perform it so it was good that he was tangled in the net. We finished about ten minutes later and the troll was fast asleep.

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