Half an hour later, he dropped me home, and went back to his work. No words exchanged between us.

I directly went in the bedroom, and all anger and frustration overpowered me. This saree and chura and all these extra load of jewelry only making me hate myself more.

I removed everything, except the chura, as my mother's words rang in my head, "Don't remove it before you complete your first month of marriage."

I picked up the silliest of my clothes and wore them. A SpongeBob pajama, and a Peppa pig t-shirt.

I heard a knock on my bedroom door, "Adya ma'am what should we cook for dinner?"

"Ask your sir. I won't have dinner."


I feel slight tugging on my body, only to see myself being shook awake by my husband.

"What?!", I asked irritated.

He forwarded me my phone, "Your phone is ringing since ten minutes."

I see five missed calls from Ashima. God! The video call.

But right now, I don't want to talk to anyone.

Yet I called her, "Ashima...I'll do this video calling thing some other day...I am not well."

"What happened so suddenly? You looked fine in the afternoon."

"Just...things...don't worry, I'll call you once I am good."

"Okay okay! Take care."


I throw the phone on the bed beside me, and sigh to myself, "What happened?"

I hear him ask.

I look up to see him standing genuinely concerned, and so I shook my head, "Nothing. I'll check if your dinner is ready."

With that I came out of the bed, and was about to walk out of the room, when I heard him chuckle, "Peppa Pig!"

I mutter under my breath and leave the room. This guy is so difficult. He wouldn't express his anger, he wouldn't let me ask anything or explain even, he wouldn't ask how I am doing.

I should have married a buffalo. I bet they are more sensible than him.

"Are you sure the food is not too spicy?", I ask them the question I ask everyday.

They nodded and served so I could test.

His spice tolerance level is extremely low. And I have seen him go berserk after having spicy food. And sweets? He can eat sweets endlessly. He has a sweet tooth.

Once I was assured all is fine, I served him a plate.

"Ma'am should we leave? All is done."

I nodded, "And come at your time tomorrow, I will cook breakfast."

They soon left and I was left waiting for him.

It's been so many days doing all this, but I don't feel burdened, even I was doing everything. Ma used to say that when you love your family beyond everything, doing things for them is not as difficult as it looks. I want to make them feel comfortable and at ease.

He comes and takes his seat at the head of the table. I kept his plate before him, and settled two seats away. Not that I don't want to sit beside him, but I am afraid he will move away and that would hurt me.

"Why are you not eating?"

"I am not hungry."

"How can't you be not hungry? It's late now!"

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