"Oh thank god! I thought the aliens had finally gotten you!" she said laughing. Wow this chick is crazy, but I love her to death already and I've only known her a day. That says something about her.

"Let's get that outfit of yours picked out you have free reign over my closet. You're like my roommate that doesn't have to pay rent. I just want all the stuff back."

"Alright! Come on lets go!" She said dragging me back over to my revolving part of the closet. "Will you pick for me I'm so not good with style." She said looking at me with big puppy dog eyes that I couldn't resist.

"Alright. Can you walk in heels. I bought you a pair of those or so and a couple pairs of van right?"

"Yea I can walk in heels," she said, and I could tell that she was so happy she was almost pouncing around in place.

"Then you'll be wearing those black ones I bought you yesterday." I walked to the other side of the closet and grabbed them setting them down at her feet with the right type of socks. I walked to the wall and grabbed a light baby blue aeropostale jacket, black tight skinny jeans, a white v neck top, and I'll let her get her own bra.

"Here you go Val. Grab a white bra and some of your own underwear. I'll let you get dressed while I do a little make up. We have 15 before we really have to leave so try being a little quicker." I said and walked over to the vanity to put on a little bit of eye liner, a little mascara, a very light layer of concealer, and some blush. I rushed out of my room ejected my iPod, grabbed my iPhone, and grabbed my purse bag with all my school sh*t in it.


"YES JUST ZIPPING UP MY HEELS!" She yelled back. Well ok. All I need are my keys and we can leave. Where did I put my lanyard? There they are!


"I'M COMING! I'M COMING! GIVE ME A SEC!" She screamed frantically.  I chuckled. She's just to funny. I waited at the top of the stairs and I saw her walking towards me at a fast pace. Wow she's a little frantic. We've got to minutes so I rushed down the stairs and grabbed some toast out of the kitchen handing Val a piece while I rushed towards the door of the garage. I jumped into my car and started the engine. Thank god I am such a good driver. I had two months at one house and I got into drag racing as a way to help that man so he wouldn't beat me to death. I did really well considering I had just gotten started and never raced before I won 28 out of the 30 I raced and yea. I helped that man out big time, saved my innocence, and left without a scratch. I backed out slowly as I didn't want to scratch my baby, plugged in the address of the school into the GPS and sped off towards taking the turns at tight angles getting there with 10 minutes to spare instead of the 5 that would have been intended. I showed my new ID to them and pulled into a spot oh so close to the gate so I could make a fast escape. I looked over at Vally to see her wide eyed and pale. I scared her. Whoops I guess I could have warned her on my driving. She might not look like a scared doe now.

"You alive over there Vally?" I asked joking.

"Yea! But you drive like a lunatic! I'm surprised we didn't crash! How'd you learn to drive like that?"

"I raced on the back streets for money."I shrugged not really caring. I don't care how I end up as long as my loved ones end up better than me. I got out of the car and everyone was looking at me wondering who the hell I was. I just walked over to Vally's door and helped her get out. I walked arm in arm with her to the front doors swaying my hips a little for the guys who were staring. I mean I could have a little right? I spotted Xavier on the steps looking at us intently. I wonder what he's thinking.

"Hey Xavier what's up?" I ask waving my hand in front of his face.

"Oh. Hey Willow. Why were you giving those guys a little show?" He inquired with a glint of jealousy? in his eyes.

"Oh just because I wanna have a little fun and toy with their little tiny minds. I WILL NOT date them. Players do not suit my style because they'll just break my heart in the end so what's the point in trying with them?" I said truthfully.

"Oh ok." He said to me. Wow is he jealous. I wonder if he is. But if he's jealous that means... HE LIKES ME?!?!

"Well Im going to go and get my locker number, combo, and schedule. Didn't I get the same one as you or something like that Val?"

"Yea you did." She chips in. Well ok now off to the office.

"Okeii let's get to the office quickly then. I don't want us to be late to first on my first day." We walked towards the office quickly giving sweet smiles out to everyone. Surprisingly everyone didn't approach me or at least not yet. I wonder why?

"By the way they're not going to come near you because of me. Everyone here avoids me like I have the black plague or something. I'm the only outcast at this school. I could see if you wanted to leave me to go hang out with someone else." She says somberly as if answering my thoughts.

"Vallysaur! How could you be so heartless as to say that I would leave my best friend?!" I practically shout.

"Well no one ever gives me the chance to hang out with them. I'm just a loner you could be a somebody at this school. I'm just a no body." She says looking at her feet.

"Well I will never leave you. Ever. Everyone can suck my d*ck If they want to treat you like no one. No one deserves that. I mean people are so heartless." I say acidly to no one in particular, "I will never leave you Vally the dino. I promise," I say softly.

"Well thank you. I love knowing I finally have someone to talk to," She says looking into my multi colored eyes, "did you know that you have the most pretty and exotic eyes?"

"Yea I get that a lot I think I like that feature about me the most. I don't think I'm beautiful but I don't think I'm ugly. I think I'm right in-between of everybody. But I do need to get my schedule now. Lets go Vally." We went into the office and grabbed all that I needed and then proceeded to the library to get all my books. I got everything without a problem and we then went to my locker and put everything I didn't need in there.  We then proceeded to first period. Let's just hope that my day passes by uneventful so that I don't have to hate this school already...

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