chap 12

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(Sorry if chap is short)

Pj's POV

I was just walking around when all of a sudden I heard coughing and crying and alot of loud banging and things were falling over at the allyway. I left to go check and it was her again. But then I realized it was Y/n they/he/she looked badly injured and was bleeding from the eye aswell

They/He/She was losing but alot of blood, I didn't know what to do but I placed my sleeve on the eye and I carried them/him/her to my place, I couldn't leave them/him/her out here they/he/she could get worse with two injuries like that, it seemed like they/he/she passed out when I was on my way back home.

I layed them/him/her down on the couch and grabbed bandages, rubbing alcohol, and cotton to get the blood out of the face and not letting it dry.

[Time skip byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy]

After I finished cleaning the blood off their/his/her face, they/he/she had a sad face and a tear was rolling down her cheek, I wiped it off and brushed my fingers though their/his/her hair, they/he/she calmed down a little but I wonder how did they/he/she get all these wounds and bruises from?

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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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how I met CT!Pj (CT!reader x CT!Pj)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora