Chap 9

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Your POV

I ran as fast as I could to get home. I was at the entrance of the door and I kicked the opened the door and I didn't really care if the door broke or not, I'll fix it later. But mother need me and I hear her crying and calling out my brothers name and thought he was home but i dropped all my things and rushed to get her pills and water and ran upstairs quickly and got her up quickly so she could have the pills to ease the pain I opened her mouth and placed the pills in and gave her the water

She ate the pills and drank the water I waited for the pills to start working in her body, I wanted for an hour or two and she felt a little better, but I didn't really know what to do if this happens again.

Authors POV

This has happened a lot you kept makeing excuses on why you couldn't make it, your boss was letting u slide once or twice it happened. You kept rushing back and forth with the problem and u were very worried for your mom and u were not having enough sleep, the days turned to weeks then months. Till, your boss had enough she fired you from your job, u weren't comeing in on time, u were dozing off, and you never finished your paperwork, but u did get your pay check and it was $100 dollers u worked your ass but u noticed something off about the crash it was $100,00 and u were so surprised of how much was in there u looked up
U - "t-there must be some kind o-of mistake h-h-here boss"
B - "there is no mistake my dear i have seen u look at a portrait of you and your family only four of u and as I see u struggling with your family and with the health of yours, your not eating well, you have bags under your eyes, ur falling asleep during work.

It is very difficult to lose someone very much, so I wanted to give u this cuz I want to help u but also say goodbye" she pushed your hands back to u and tears fell from your eyes and u thanked her 5 times as tears fell from your eyes and u were happy, u stood up and both of u waved goodbye to each other, u were tired, and u accepted your fate to leave the building. After packing the things u grabbed your box and left the building heading to the bus stop. You saw the man with the little bubbley head on the tip of his head
(I dont know what it is I just feel like what I said was cringe and please dont get mad at me 👉👈)
It is amazing and somehow curious how it is actually possible to have that, the bus came by and stopped at the bus stop he was next to u again on the bus and the both of u started a chat for a while and after a while the both of u got to your stop and got off the bus, but then he asked

Pj - "hey y/n what happend to you?"

Y/n - "oh, I kinda got fired from my job cuz I haven't been on time and haven't been sleeping well lately cuz of problems at my house, and speaking of problems I have to run back home now"

Pj - "yeah sure, oh and also here" *offers u a card* if u need a job u can come to the daycare if u like"

Y/n - *grabs card* "it's really nice of u Mr.pj thank u for the offer"

Pj - "it's not a problem y/n and just pj is fine"

Y/n "oh okay, well see u later then pj"

Pj - " bye"

You left rushing back home and entered back in the house as soon as u got back home, and the house was quiet, but very very quiet, u called out for your mom that u were home but no answer or cries of pain, u were worried and rushed upstairs and opened the door then u saw her lifeless body and her arm dangling by the side of her bed, u broke into tears and fell to your knees and screamed while crying in pain by your mother's death, then someone was behind u and hit your head but u hit the floor and your nose began bleeding.


"O-o-ow! What the fuck!" I got hit behind the back of my head and when i turned around I was scared and my eyes widen that's when I saw....

My boyfriend 😱


My brother


I am very sorry for keeping u guys waiting and but thank u for reading this chapter

Peace ✌ my 🍓 berry's ^^

how I met CT!Pj (CT!reader x CT!Pj)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя