the beginning

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(Y/n) = your name
(F/c) = favorite color
(F/f) = favorite food
(L/n) = last name
(F/b) = favorite book
(C/s/a) = color stuff animal
(N/n) = nickname
Authors POV

When u were small u had a sweet mother and father, your brother was 4 years old and u were born. Your brother was so happy then your brother asked
"Mommy what awe we gowing to nawme thewm" your brother said "we are going to name her..." "y/n" your mother said, you laughed and giggled your brother awed and giggled too, u were with a warm welcomed in the world by your family.

Year skip~🍓

As years pass you were turning 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 and your brother is now 9 years old the days were happy and u would spend so much time together
(I'm so sorry for people who wish this 😟)
And then it was the day of your birthday u were very excited and jumped right out of bed with a smile on your face u ran down stairs and ran to your mom and hugged her from behind your mother jumped in surprise and carried u "happy birthday my little cherry" she smiled when she booped your nose "thanks mom" u smiled back then your mom put u down and u ran to your brother on the couch "happy birthday (n/n)!" he grabbed u ruffled your hair "hehehehe ^^ thx brother!" U giggled and he let u go "hey do u know where dad is?" U asked, he replied with a no but u waited for a few minutes and he came home "I'm back!!" "Dad!!" U both yelled and ran up to him he carried both of u and put your brother down and your dad threw u up in the air and u laughed "happy birthday sunflower" u smiled and your dad put u down "oh I almost forgot" he grab a bag from behind him and gave it to u "happy birthday" u were excited of what u were about to get and u grabbed the bag and pulled up a (c/s/a) u squeeze it so much that u loved it so much and u said thank you so much to your dad that the toy made u smile

🍓time skip🍓

It was time to sleep so your parents said goodnight to you and your brother and u had a happy birthday and u hugged your toy tightly not letting go then u drifted off to sleep

(Well that was a good one I did but I'll write more of this and see if I'll continue this)

✌ my 🍓 ^^

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