Chapter Five: When My Life Began...

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Punzie P.O.V: (Before she meets Jack, Mer, and Hicc)

OMG! I SAW A TRAIL OF DUCKLINGS! I missed all of my childhood when I was locked away in that stupid tower, with that..that evil little witch of a......Oh never mind. I find it's easier to adjust to life with my parents when I don't tell them about my years in the tower. I-I just can't go into my past. I mean it's not like I was miserable there. But I was decieved and lied to for eighteen years. Well, that was then. And now, I live my life as a princess, adored by all my people. So now I'm free to enjoy life, exploring the kingdom with Eugene. Oh, did I not mention? I'm dating Eugene Fitzherbert. Yes, thats his name. Don't wear it out. Eugene and I are very happy together, but my parents -the King and Queen of Corona- feel that I should attend high school, so that when I become queen (in the not so distant future) I have a "proper education." What a stupid idea.


As I walk onto the jetway, I let hot tears stream down my face as I say goodbye to Eugene. We won't be able to see eachother until I finish highschool. Thats FOUR YEARS! I'm not okay. I can't hardly stand leaving him for a day , let alone four years. The pilot is signaling the last call for me to climb aboard. I WANT to yell 'WHATS YOUR RUSH? HUH, BUDDY? TRYING TO HAVE A HEARTFELT, DRAMATIC GOODBYE WITH THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!' But I maintain my composure, me being a princess and all. I give Eugene a quick, but sweet kiss before I hesitantly climb up the stairs and into the private jet. well, looks like I'm all set for the trip. (Including some not so secret traveling snacks. Junk food, naturally)

"WAIT, PILOT!" I frantically screech, probably giving him a heart attack, poor guy. "I need one last thing before we take off!" He puts his index finger up, telling me I have one minute. Geesh. Rude much? I race down the steps and basically tackle Eugene.

"Woah, Blondie? Why aren't you taking off?" He simply smiles at my weirdness. "Not that I mind at all." he adds.

I simply give him another kiss in response. " I'll miss you too much, I had to say goodbye one more time." I hug/choke him. I hold on for dear life, never wanting to let him go. But the pilot grew impatient. I, once again, climbed the stairs with dread, and sat down in my seat. After a while, I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


When I awake, we are somewhere over New York, according to the pilot. Wait, hold up. Why is there a green lady giant with a torch standing completely still? Whatever. I am like ADHD or something, so I got bored REALLY quickly. I decide to pull out my phone and watch The Fault in Our Stars. I bought it a few weeks back, but haven't watched it until now. It starts and, this is totally not what I expected. Why is this about cancer? What happened to stars? I swear I'm not an idiot, but I haven't had ANY real life experiences, until like a month ago. Wait, what? Why does the guitar dude have cancer.........there......

***After Punzie Finished the Movie***

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!WHY, AUGUSTUS? WHYYYYYYYYYYYY?!??!!!!?!?!?!?!?! I am in a puddle of tears, and frankly, a complete mess. I've been crying for like fifteen minutes. Why, author? Why do you torture me this way? After I think I'm cleaned up and ready for orientation, I realize that I'm in an airplane. Augustus was in a plane for the first time with Hazel. Then, here come the waterworks. After I get cleaned up and apply very light make-up AGAIN, the pilot says that we are on the ground and I can get off in two minutes or so, apparently they cleared the jetway for a few private jets landing. I wonder who the other people are...

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