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•Y/n's POV•

I've been reading a book, on the couch for hours now. I haven't  rate anything today so I decided to help Maggie cook lunch. "Hey Maggie! Could I help you by any chance?" I greet her. "Of course sweetheart!" She replies. I walk to the counter and start chopping up potato's. "We're making a chicken noodle soup." She informs me. I nod.


While chopping up ingredients for the soup I watch Carl sit on the couch, he sighs. "How was the run?" I ask him. "Same old same old!" He sighs again. "I'll come next time. Maybe it'll be funnier." I laugh. "It's always funnier with you." He smiles. "You both are so cute together." Maggie whispers, so only I could hear her. I smile.


Carl's been moving and signing on the couch for 20 minutes now. I stop what I'm doing and I sit on the couch, next to a bored Carl. "Is there something you need?" I ask picking up my book. "A massage." He says. I ignore him. "Please!!!!" He makes a puppy face. "Your so needy today!" I laugh while playing with his hair. "Thank you." He kisses my stomach. I smile.


While playing with Carl's hair for 10 minutes he starts to slowly close his eyes, starting to fall asleep. "Sleep tight baby." I whisper in his ear. I put my book down and slowly move his head off my lap, placing his head onto a pillow. Once I walk into the kitchen, "You guys are like glue and paper." She laughs. I laugh with here. "Him being needy is the sweetest thing." I say

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