For You

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Season |6|
: There are spoilers in this imagine!


•Y/n's POV•

Zombie groans and little whines surround us. Alexandria walls fell down so we had to think of a plan to leave without dying.

daryl's plan was to find a walker to throw its guts all over us so we look like them. disgusting i know, but ill do whatever it takes to survive.

Everyone agreed, so we're now walking through Alexandria to get to our car(s). "Sam, shhh." I hear Jessie say. I turn my head to look back at Sam and Jessie. "Sam were almost there! You see the cars?" I ask quietly. Sam nods. "Y/n, you ok?" Carl asks me. I turn my head over to him. "Yeah. Sam's not though..." I say looking into his blue icy eyes. "Shit." He says. Everyone stops. All I can hear is "Why did we stop?" "Come on!" But when I turn my head behind me I know why we stopped. Sam's to scared to keep going.

•Jessie's POV•

"Sam come on!" I say pulling on Sam's hand. He shakes his head. "Sam. I know you can do this." Y/n says. He shakes his head. Sobs start to escape Sam's mouth. Walkers start to come at us and before I could look back at Sam a few walkers already started to take bites of him. "MOM!" Sam yells. I hold onto his hand tight while he falls onto the floor. "Come on Jessie. He's gone, I'm sorry." Y/n says yanking onto my hand. Then 2 walkers take a bite of me...

•Rick's POV•

Watching Jessie get bitten and collapsing onto the floor breaks my heart. "No." I say. Jessie's hand wouldn't let go of Y/n's. I grabbed my axe from my hostler and chopped Jessie's hand off. Y/n falls to the floor.

•Carl's POV•

"You ok?" I ask Y/n. "Yeah, just hit my foot on a rock." She limps in pain. I pick her up. She laughs, I love hearing her laugh. "What are you doing?" She asks me. I stare into her beautiful e/c eyes. "Anything for you." I say.


I see Ron hold up a gun. I look at him confused. "You." He says. "Ron?" Y/n says. "You." Ron says again. Before Ron could pull the trigger Michonne stabbed her katana right into his stomach. Blood splattered everywhere. I was fine but... when I looked at Y/n she only had 1 eye. "Y/n..." "Anything for you." She gives me a weak smile then collapsed onto the floor. "NO!" I yell. I quickly pick her up. Everyone killed walkers while running to the car(s) "It's going to be ok." Maggie says to me. I'm glad everyone's with us. "It's going to be ok!" I say to Y/n's Unconscious body..


There will be a pt 2!

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