Chapter 13: Escalations

Start from the beginning

No, it's fine. I'm used to long walks, I can handle it.

You sure?? I just don't wanna bother you fr

Yes, strolling through town is practically my hobby now^^

Aight imma go get ready:3

She drops her phone onto her bed before getting up, stretching a bit before making her way out of her messy room and into the bathroom. Her phone lets out a ping just as the bedroom door closes with a thud.

I'll be waiting outside.

He hits send, smiling at his phone screen before shoving the device into his bag. Back resting on the brick wall, Kou's eyes lighten up as he stares at her house.

The neighbourhood is quiet as not too many people are awake yet at this hour. Even if they were, they'd probably still be in the comfort of their own home, picking out their outfit for today and getting ready for breakfast. Overall, it's a perfect time for him to stroll through the neighbourhood without anyone noticing.

Though, he feels as though that wouldn't be a problem anymore. After all, he knows her house now, not because he followed her home but because he had walked her to her own home yesterday. If (Y/N) or Yuri saw him here in their neighbourhood, they probably wouldn't bat an eye and instead greet him with a warm and welcome smile.

Truth be told, when she sent that text saying she was simply joking about him coming over, he had already entered her neighbourhood. That text made him stop in his track. She didn't want him there. He wasn't welcome and she confirmed it. He never felt so disgusted with himself.

He doesn't want her to be in danger. If she did, then he could show up and help, just like she did for him. Yet now, it feels like he is safer with her. It's like having a guardian angel around. Almost every good thing that happened in his life recently had happened because she was there. He is given more reason to follow her and be around her more and more.

So to have her text that to him was heartbreaking. He might indeed be overthinking, but he can't help it. He would've left but when he felt a ping coming from his phone, he looks over and sees that text that fixes everything.

Nuuuuu if you want to you can come over to my house and we can walk to school together how bout that?:<

And then, all his worries from before suddenly vanishes.

He stares into the windows of the house, though he's not quite sure which one is hers. How silly of him to think he wouldn't be welcomed. Especially by her of all people.

Then, he turns his head to the house behind him. The only thing that separates him and the building is the wall he's leaning on. That's Mirai's house if he remembered correctly. He doesn't see the boy around but that's normal since kids usually like to sleep in.

The three of them stroll together to school. Yuri and (Y/N) are talking together—something about sandwiches. Though he isn't a part of the conversation, Kou doesn't mind. Just hearing them talk is fine and he can't ask for more.

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