As for Reema, Ayedah had tried to be as good with her as possible and accept her into her life for the sake of her brother- however, in all truth, did not care much for her or consider her as much as she did her brother; and it was safe to say that she could have even expected her to do something of the sort. Yet she did not expect Aarif to do what he did. As much as she hated to admit it, she did care for him and trust him.

She had to admit that.

He was her brother after all, of course she had maybe felt something that perhaps she did not have for anyone else. But with her parents gone and the guilt of disowning them eating her up for years despite knowing that they were responsible for a lot of damage done to her in the period of time that she lived with them, she had accepted Aarif back into her life eagerly.

There was a pocket of time, a moment where she thought that perhaps she did it because she loved him. Because she cared for him, and wanted to forgive him.

But you did that to feel better about yourself, her mind shot at her in a snarky voice. You did that so you could try and forgive yourself. Forget the guilt. Forget that you're the reason your parents are dead. That your family back in London is broken. You did all that for yourself, not because you love your brother. Reema was right- you are selfish.

Ayedah inhaled sharply as her thoughts and her conscience picked on her, and she shut her eyes. In an attempt to distract herself, she let her mind wander to when she was sitting with Aunt Gab earlier after they arrived at home. When she spoke to Ayedah about what love was. She was trying desperately to understand what her aunt was saying, but unfortunately her brother had come to the house for something and she made a run for it before Gabriella could finish explaining. But it was eating away at her mind, for she was truly curious- what was love after all, if it was not what her mother taught her it was? What is love, if it is not earned? What is love, if it is not the same as respect?

What is it...

She felt a sudden tap on her shoulder, nearly making her jump; she turned around and looked up; Burak grinned down at her from where he stood, towering over her sitting form. "Oh, hi," she said lamely, giving him a surprised look even though she did attempt the best smile she could muster at that present moment, before she took out her earphones. "I thought you would be here," he said, before indicating to the spot beside her, asking if he could sit down with her. "May I?"

"Of course," said Ayedah, shifting slightly to make room for him. He inclined his head in thanks, and sat himself down next to her, making himself comfortable. "Did my aunt call you?" she asked, as she turned away to keep her earphones and MP3 Player in her pocket. "Yeah, she did," said Burak, as he allowed his long legs to hang over the side of the dome the way Ayedah's did- though her legs were much shorter than his. "She was worried, and so was I."

"I'm sorry," apologized Ayedah regretfully. "I probably just...walked off without thinking." "It's okay," said Burak. "It's not like you went out of the city or anywhere we don't know." Ayedah shrugged, twiddling her thumbs. "How did you find me?" she asked. "Intuition," said Burak, and she scoffed lightly, looking away from him.

"Are you alright?" Burak asked. "You haven't answered my texts, or calls for the past few days." "Sorry," Ayedah lamented, regretting that she had not been in contact with him- it was him after all, who had saved her and brought her back to his house after what happened with her brother and cousin. "I had not been on my phone much when I was at Ozge's...but I'm okay now." Burak frowned; "Are you sure?" he asked, his tone lowering. "No offence but that 'I'm okay' sounds very much like a fib to me." Ayedah finally turned to meet his eyes, narrowing her own at him. "And you know me so well, Celik?" she taunted, making him smirk. "Well enough, Harraz," he said with a grin. "Besides, why would you run away from home if you were merely okay?" Ayedah sighed, nodding in agreement. "Touche," she muttered, earning a smile from him.

Your Grace - Burak ÇelikWhere stories live. Discover now