Chapter 18- A Beauty Without Poison Is The Same As A Beauty Ruined

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A tinge of pity struck in Draco's heart. Before he could stop, words were already flowing through his tongue, "It's already Christmas, huh ?"

Harry lifted his neck to gaze at the dark sky as snow danced in the air, melancholy clear in his voice, "Yeah"

Silence fell on them like winter mist, enveloping and encompassing. As they walked, Draco spotted a brightly lit storefront. On this particular holiday, it was an odd sight for any business to be open.

Draco frowned with curiosity and wondered, 'What a weird sight. Who keeps their shop open on Christmas eve ? Even if the person is in a desperate situation, surely they won't get any customers on Christmas.'

Just as he was about to put the matter behind, an idea sprouted in his brain. He swiftly turned around.

With a tap in Harry's shoulder, he said, "I'll meet you in the graveyard. You go on."

And with that, he didn't even wait for a reply and ran back. Harry shouted behind him but was ruthlessly ignored. Seeing that it was useless, Harry gave a worried look at the slender back but still made his way to the graveyard according to Draco's words.

Draco stopped in front of the bright store, his breath panting from the short run. Years of excellent academics, perfect manners and noble upbringing gave him not only a deadly seductive poise like a cold flame, but also a body weaker than the rest of his age. Right now, It can be said that without magic, Draco had nothing other than his beauty and brain.

Standing in front of the store, Draco noticed that while the entire town has a cheerful atmosphere, this shop shines particularly different because of its introverted but gentle air. But at the same time, these qualities also made it look hidden and unnoticed.

Leaving these useless thoughts behind, Draco entered the shop. The interior was simple and generous, neatly displaying various items on the shelves around.

As soon as Draco entered, he could sense that this was a magical shop. The objects on display gave a faint air of familiarity which must be the magic that they contain.

As he glanced around, a door at the back opened and a middle aged witch stepped out.

Seeing Draco, she exclaimed in surprise, "Oh ! Welcome ! Is this young gentleman here to buy something ?"

Still scanning the shelves, he nonchalantly answered, "Yes"

"An urgent Christmas gift, I assume?", The witch questioned but there was a surety present in her voice. She sounded like she was very certain but still attached the "-is it?" for the sake of politeness.

At this, Draco wasn't surprised about her being right. It was Christmas eve afterall. It was logical for her to make such a guess. But what made him frown was the obvious surety in her tone. She seemed awfully obnoxious to him but at least she respected manners.

"It is as the madam said.", he answered.

At his cold tone, the witch visibly calmed down and said, "Well, then feel free to browse the shelves. Everything on the shelves is on sale. I hope that you will find your fate here."

𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐖𝐚𝐢𝐭Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon