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"You called, da?" Russia stood behind America with his infamous sweet smile.

"R-RUSSIA?!" Both France and England bulged out their eyes. Well, not only them, other than America, Canada, and Prussia, they (the doctors too) stared in disbelief at Russia.

"S-since when..?" England was shocked.

"When? I forgot," America shrugged. France sweatdropped, "You forgot?"

"It's not a big deal, it's just happened," the (self-claim) hero nation, waved his hand dismissively. "Please, Dad, don't start with your 'love speech' thing."

The European who still in this room cautiously looked at Russia who just smiled.

No big deal? Like hell, it was not!

The whole world still remembered the impact of their Cold Ward and now they have a relationship? That Russia and America? An item? Oh-uh, it was a huge thing!

Germany, Spain, and duo Italy slowly stepped closer to them. The nations, mostly Europeans, couldn't process the information. Russia whose obsession to make other nations join him and America who act like the world's leader were together? Like together together? Russia and America? No matter how they look into both nations' history, it was hard to believe they were boyfriends. Like, genuine in love boyfriends. It felt like a kind of conspiracy or something. Not in the Romantic sense.

"Guys?" America noticed the silence but not the rationale behind it.

Russia whispered to America, "Did we broke them?" They were aware of the calculation stare around them. However, America genuinely perplexed, "Maybe... but, what did we do to broke them like that?"

"Good question," yet, Russia smiled knowingly. His smile frightened the nations. It sent shivers to other nations and sobered Prussia at this situation.

"Hold on," Prussia scowled, " England, why didn't you tell at him just like you did to the awesome me?"

"What?" The pregnant nation focused back at Prussia. They looked at him like he sprouted another head. Did he not know Russia at all? Except for America, the other nations always walked on shelves around Russia. It was a well-known unwritten fact. Somehow, for an unknown reason, America never did that.

Wait... maybe... this is the unknown reason.

England eyed Russia and he didn't feel good instinctively. Took a step back, Blaise and Reed noted England's pale face. Considering, this situation felt like a political (due to Russia's presence) rather than a familial one, Blaise voiced out his opinion.

"Messieurs," he said, stepped towards England, "I would suggest talking about it at home so it will be comfortable for all of you."

Reed added, "Mr. England, it will do no good for your baby if you risen your voice like you did before. It may put an unnecessary stress on the baby."

France instantly holding England, worried, "Are you alright, mon petit lapin?"

"Just... a little tired," England murmured. France widened his eyes. England would never admit something he felt easily and he just did that, it spoke volumes.

France excused them and went out of the conference room.


At England's home, the old doctors examined him in his bedroom while their future successor explained to France about do and don'ts during pregnancy.

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