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Disclaimer: Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya. I own nothing.

Warning: Mpreg FrUK. OOC. typos. Minor OC's. grammatical error!

English/French is not my first language, please bear with me



England couldn't believe his hearing ability. He stared at Dr. Reed who looked at the ultrasonography's monitor beside the nation's bed.

His green eyes turned to the monitor as well. England has come to Dr. Reed because he has felt sick for several months now. Usually, he won't bother to check up and prefer to endure it silently but his fairies friends strongly suggested to him to go to the doctor because they were worried.

Dr. Reed, a member of the special medical team for royalty, was England's private doctor. Every nation has its private doctor who will aid them in medical care. Despite being a country, they possessed a human-like body. Live and bleed like a human yet stronger and live longer than a human. That private doctor carefully selected and usually an apprentice from the previous doctor. Dr. Reed, an old man who will retire in several years has chosen a young doctor who will inherit his position as England's private doctor. This young doctor, Dr. Loire, assist Dr. Reed in this evening section.

"You are pregnant," Loire restated what Dr. Reed said. The young doctor has been informed that his main job after his predecessor retired was to look after England. He knew England was a country with a human-like body. Other than their longer lifespan and forever youthful appearance, Dr. Loire a bit puzzled because, "No one told me that you can reproduce, Mr. England."

"What?" His green eyes widened. "No, it must be a mistake."

"I'm afraid there is no mistake, Mr. England," said Dr. Reed gently. His right hand still pressing the abdominal transducer on England's belly who was laying down. "Do you see the little circle here? It's a growing fetus. Your baby."

England gaped, "Wh-what?"

"Your sickness is the symptoms of your pregnancy, Mr. England."

The island nation blanched, "It's impossible. Your machine must be broken, Doctor."

Reed stared at England briefly before pulled the transducer back to the machine and let the Loire wiped out the gels from England's belly. "Dr. Loire, the lab's result please," said the old Doctor. The Loire gave it to England who read the paper.

"We checked your blood first because we can't find anything that caused your sickness and we found your hCG level is 220,000. I suspect it may be the cause but the ultrasonography confirms it," elaborated Reed.

Astonished, the young doctor asked, "May I know how is it possible, Dr. Reed? I'm sure I read all of Mr. England's medical history and some of the other nations but this was never mentioned. Even from female nations history or is it a top-secret situation?"

"I wish I have the answer, Dr. Loire," Reed answer truthfully. "I have never encountered a case like this."

England looked at both doctors, "It's no wonder you don't know, even I don't know that it's possible. No nation has ever been pregnant in all my life. How is it possible?" He looked down at the paper in his hand.

Pregnant? A baby? He didn't know what to feel or think about it. England knew perfectly that he was not a human so a normal human rule like a man can not pregnant couldn't be applied to him. Like his long lifespan and youthful appearance. He may eat, bleed, breathe like a human but he wasn't one. Both doctors realize this as well, that's why they weren't that shocked. However... pregnant? It's a whole different matter despite his gender physically.

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