"Do you need assistance then?" Taylor turned quickly at the voice directly in her ear. Marcus bent down to her level with a devilish smirk at her reddened face. His voice was eloquent yet deep, with cold breath that had tickled her ear when he spoke. She held it at the lobe for a moment as Marcus placed his hands on either side of her, leaning just a bit closer.

"Oh, uh, what was that?" Surprised, Taylor's eyes widened as Marcus let out a hum from his chest.

"I am not a cruel man Taylor." He pushed back some of her hair, tracing a finger over her neck after, leaving a trail of gooseflesh in its wake. "I can be very helpful." He smiled, his eyes darkening in slight. More of a honey amber then. Taylor froze, excitement clenching her stomach. She placed her hands behind her to stop her from falling back onto the bed. He stopped his movements, drawing her eyes to his own. He spoke with a weighted richness to his voice. "So, I ask once more,... do you require assistance in dressing?"

The slug could wait.

"Yep, absolutely. I can't even remember how to put on...anything. Or..." She answered quickly. trailed off, then cringed. What the fuck was that? At this Marcus nearly purred, bringing his face closer to hers. Her fingers gripped the sheets behind her and in a vain attempt to ground herself she tried crossing her legs only to realize Marcus' knee was resting between them. Despite her hands bracing she found herself leaning back until she was instead resting on her elbows. Marcus still mere inches away. She felt his closeness, his scent overtook her once more. If she had her head about her enough to initiate the kiss she would've. His hair tickled the sides of her face as he paused his movements, Taylor furrowed her brows impatiently as he chuckled. His body inches from hers Marcus changed course, leaning next to Taylor's ear, giving a quick nip before whispering. 

"That's too bad." He pulled back and placed a playful kiss at the end of her nose, and before Taylor could process it all Marcus' laugh could be heard from the other side of her shut door. She lay there a moment on her elbows, before becoming frustrated in more ways than one. With a huff she sat herself up, holding her temple as she became light-headed at the sudden movement. Red in the face she glared at the door.

That mother fucker.


As Taylor thumped down the stairs, now dressed in a dark sweater and jeans, she silently apologized to her father. Who's predicament she basically threw out the window in favor of some vampire lovin'. He would not approve, nor appreciate, how easily Taylor made the decision to waste time. Marcus met her at the bottom of the stairs, handing her a granola bar with a stupid cheeky grin. Scowling Taylor snatched the thing from his hand and tore it open, it did not taste especially well mixed with her freshly brushed minty mouth and sexual frustrations. She wanted morning sex but instead, she was getting almonds...and oats... Great. Just what the Quakers wanted.

Taylor ventured ahead of Marcus, out the door, despite not knowing where they were going. With a flourish, Marcus appeared beside her holding out his arm. Still with that grin on his stupidly handsome face. Taylor raised a brow then shook her head in exasperation as she popped the last of her granola bar in her mouth. She'd devoured the thing in record time. She pointed at Marcus.

"That wasn't funny." She defended. Marcus just sighed dramatically.

"Oh, cara mia, I do adore your blushes." Taylor's face was hot, she rolled her eyes and wrapped her arm around his. As they walked Marcus leaned in close, he spoke sensually "Maybe I am a cruel man." Taylor pushed him a bit.

"Don't you start that here. This isn't a blush from affection, this is my rising blood pressure." At this Marcus straightened his posture and laughed. Taylor shook her head in exasperation, quickly getting over her slight anger. "What the hell am I gonna do with you?"

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