Prologue. 1

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The fresh air was full of the conifer smell. There was no sun in the sky and yet it itself was so white that seemed glowing. On its background were set contrasting with it rich green forests. In such country three travellers were seen riding along a narrow mountain path. Two horsemen caught up with each other and were talking while the third one merrily and rapidly rode somewhere here and there around them.

The interlocutors were both men. One was of middle age with dark-brown hair and Spanish beard and clothed in such way that it was clear that it was a gentleman. The other was an old man with bold head in fur-cap and very long and silvery-white one. He wore very peculiar clothes made of animals' skins but sewn with very skilful and neat hands. The first one was listening to the latter with great interest.

"So have you never left that cave since then?"

"No," answered the old man, "after that had happened in Tinalden I came here with the child to this cave. At first also there was my old servant with us. She helped me sitting with the baby but then she died. There in my shelter I set everything for the convenient life for such scholar as I and such young rising mind as she. Hey, my girl, what's this?!" He cried after the girl unexpectedly jumped out of the forest like some robber and appeared right before them.

She was beautiful. She had quite tall, slim and lithe body hidden under warm long coat and long slender legs in dark warm pants and little feet in embroidered boots. She held herself straight and gracefully sitting on her horse like a man and seemed to be born for such activity. Her style was the same as of the old man. The dark fell's colour of her coat set off her white skin. The hood trimmed with fur edges revealed her fair face and strands of the blond hair. The girl raised her long lashes and looked with her sparkling grey eyes at her companions. Her red lips smiled and she laughed heartily and clearly.

"Why! Playing pranks?" asked the old man

The girl nodded still laughing without any sign of regret.

"All right for this time but remember that if you continue behaving thus in Rielnast and especially before very important people, we all will have troubles."

"All right, father."

"And now let's move on."

"Is it still far away?" asked the girl.

"For Rielnast we should ride for about two days," answered the second man. "We'll have to spend night in the forest."

"Oh, it is not a problem for us. This playful goat likes hunting very much. But with it she has love for animals and would never touch useful and noble beasts," the old man spoke.

"Yes, father."

"I have been bringing her up and teaching all things I know. My dear, would you like to ride ahead and explore everything?"

"With pleasure!"

The girl gave the command to her horse and rushed ahead.

"Only don't go too far!" the old man cried to her.

"All right!" her answer was heard in the distance.

"To tell you the truth, such voyages don't fit my age at all," the old man continued talking with his companion. "But what to do? She is young and lively and cannot be a hermit for the rest of her life. She should build her own nest and time is going and going. Now she is already eighteen and she should get everything of her age. So do you say that you suppose that you can find her real family?"

"I don't promise anything. All my guesses are based on her medallion."

"Eighteen years (or seventeen and a half to be specific) I saved this girl out of that massacre and fire. Since then I have been bringing her up as if my own. I taught her languages, sciences, painting, music, hunting and how to defend herself. Also my servant taught her hand-crafting and cooking. Her hands and feet are dainty so I think she must be of a noble family. She herself seems fragile but in fact, she is very adroit. She does not like heavy weapons but with her pistol and arbalest she can slay anyone at once and her dagger is always with her. But actually, she is a very good and kind-hearted girl."

"So who are you really?"

"Well, I see I may trust you. My name is Maltus Sollars. I was quite famous in Tinalden, an honorary member of Academy of Sciences, an honorary member of the Union of artists, writers, actors and musicians, a member of the Union of hunters etc., etc., and just a respectable citizen of my city."

The other man was rather surprised and impressed.

"That cave I actually used for scientific and sometimes hunter's exports. When that trouble happened and everything changed it became the shelter for me and this child."

The path went up in mountains. After some time the two travellers saw the girl on horseback looking somewhere through her spyglass. There from the top a striking view opened. The green avalanche of trees rushed the mountains' slopes. There in the valley among the majestic nature a city was situated like an island in the vast sea. It was surrounded by strong walls but behind them were seen bustling streets and nice stone buildings. Only the greatest objects of interest of it were different palaces among which one was notable especially.

"Is it Rielnast, Sir Armin?" the girl asked.

"No, miss, it is Tinalden," answered the middle-aged man. "It is really beautiful from here but I assure you that Rielnast will impress you no less."

"What building is it?" she asked passing him the spyglass.

"Which one?" he asked.

"The grandest one."

"It is the residence of princes of Tinalden."

"It's magnificent!" the girl said rapturously.

"But remember, Irbis," the old man interfered. "There are two sides of each coin and you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Even behind the most beautiful walls may be the ugliest and most terrible things ever. Please note it, my child."

"Yes, father."

And yet she was still looking in the direction of the city for a bit. Funny, it got to her soul especially by some unknown reason. Maybe because it was the first city she had ever seen in life and not in pictures? Then she turned her horse and joined others.

"Please, Sir, tell me something about them while we are riding."

Sollars looked at Armin with the look asking not to tell everything. The latter understood it.

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