Finding Oliver

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Okay, it was imperative that we find Oliver. Sir Topham suggested we split into teams. He, and Percy would take Annie, Clarabel, Skiff, and Duck to the sheds at Tidmouth to find any survivors, while us, Rosie, and Mavis find Oliver. The main reason Mavis was going with Rosie was so that the latter wasn’t performing a balancing act the whole time. We agreed to meet at Elsbridge with our findings. So we left. With Mavis leading the small group, we set off down the Tidmouth Branchline, or as it’s commonly known as The Little Western.

We’re all stumped. We weren’t able to find anyone at Callan, Harwick, or Peel Godred. We were about to give up and head straight for Wellsworth. Well, we were about to give up, until I saw something in the distance on the beach. It looked like a bunker of sorts. I told them to stop so that us crew, myself Damien and Morgan, whose Mavis’ driver, and what we saw wasn’t a pretty sight. It was Oliver, he was just touching the water. We needed to save him. We all grabbed the chain stored in Rosie’s bunker, hitched the ends to Mavis’ front coupling and Oliver’s back coupling. And the two engines pulled their hardest. Eventually, we got Oliver back to the rails, but something wasn’t right with him. He looked shocked, scared, dare I even say, Mortified. We tried calling Oliver, but he wouldn’t respond. So we decided to just re-rail him and bring him back to Elsbridge with us.

We’ve been stuck inside Henry’s tunnel for until the rain passes. Now I know what Henry must’ve felt in 1923. Speaking of Henry, we found him bricked up in the other tunnel, apparently it was because of the rain again, and Richard was annoyed with him so he blocked Henry up. 90 years, and he still hates the rain. “My staying in the tunnel was for a valid reason” He said, “I had a feeling something was going to happen”. I mean, he was right. The floods did happen, so none of us could really complain. Now came the problem of hauling both a Black 5, and still not wanting to do or say anything Oliver.

1:01 pm
Once we got Henry out of the tunnel, we headed for Elsbridge with our findings. Henry and I heard murmurs from Oliver, but couldn’t quite make out what he was saying. We got to Elsbridge meeting with the group of five as well as some others that somehow miraculously survived. Those being Bear, Rebecca, and Molly. The three said that the sheds are equipped with pipings in the floor and fully enforced steel doors. The only thing stopping the sheds from getting flooded was them holding the doors with their brakes hard on. “All of these engines being miraculously being saved inside the flood is starting to mess with my head” Damien said after all the commotion happened, “Henry, I can understand how we survived. But you guys should’ve been dead”. “I just thought it was the lamp of Proteus helping us out” argued Percy, “It has been much help in the past”. “Whose Proteus?” asked Rebecca. “I’ll tell you some other time, or now we need to get going”, said Percy. “Agreed”  said Richard, “Once we get to Vicarstown I can try and make contact with the mainland and see if they are willing to allow us back on the mainland as actual engines of the railway”. I remembered that Douglas and Emily were still on the hill and told everyone about their situation.

We just got to Wellsworth. Richard asked Rebecca and Bear to collect the two engines from Scotland back down to Wellsworth. When they did, they had roughly the same expression as Oliver, although a lot more controlled of what their states were. To be fair, they are Scottish engines, the Scottish are tough blokes to begin with, human and machine alike. We asked them what happened to them. “It was like nothing we’ve ever seen before”, said Douglas. “It was like the Lochness Monster, only 10 times worse”, Emily added on.


We all turned to see that Oliver was starting to come back around. But what does a torch have to do with the situation right now?

“Sc… Scrap h-heaps”

Something in my head started thinking after Oliver said that. What if we’re being attacked by something or someone, and the floods were the beginning of this attack? “It is a possibility” remarked Richard, “It would explain why those dynamite explosions happened in the beginning”. “You said you heard explosions” said Bear, “But I heard nothing, and I was awake at around 5 that morning when it happened”. Wait, the engines didn’t hear it, yet we have had two accounts of dynamite explosions from us humans? It shouldn’t be possible as both engine and Human hearing frequencies are pretty much at the same frequency. “We’ll wait until tomorrow to make an attack and escape plan” said Richard, “But for now, we need to rest” and that’s what we did.

And we are now at the point of everything being up-to-date. I was looking through the offices again for food when I found this on the station master’s table. I’ll be able to report everything as it’s happening now. For now, I need to rest my hand. It hurts.

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