It's Time

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[Who does that engine think she is? True lover my non-existent arse, and- whoa]

(Percy! Get back!)

[Lady, what the fuck are you doing?]

(Saving your life. Also, language)

[From what?]


[What the fuck are they?]

(Again with the language. They’re squid tormentors. You were right Percy, Sodor is in danger of another timeline)

[Who made them? What kind of a person would make them?]

(Not a person. A monster. And we both know exactly who would do this kind of thing)

[Boomer? Isn’t he dead?]

(Apparently not. We need to stop and eliminate him NOW!)

[But how do we do that? We don’t have anything to protect ourselves with]

(You’re wrong Percy, we do have something)



[Is- Is that?]

(Yes. It is)

[Do we have a chance of winning?]

(It definitely is an increase in us winning]

{I’m ready to help. Little engines can do big things you know.}

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