As I make my way downstairs, a peculiar sight greets my eyes. My dad, typically engrossed in his work, is sprawled out on the couch, fast asleep. It's a scene I can never fathom witnessing. A part of me wants to capture this unexpected moment with a photo, as he looks oddly cute in his disheveled state. His hand dangles over the edge of the couch, his head struggling to find comfort on the armrest. His legs jumble together in the limited space, while the blanket lies abandoned on the floor. However, the fear of his awakening and catching me in the act dissuades me from reaching for my phone. I can't risk losing all the pictures I hold dear.

The living room feels empty, void of the usual morning bustle. The kitchen shares the same emptiness. Bewilderment gnaws at my insides, compelling me to search for answers. My instincts lead me to my mom's room, only to find the door locked from within. It's an unusual sight, raising further concerns.

I gently knock on the door, waiting anxiously for a response. After a few moments, the sound of movement reaches my ears, and the door creaks open. My mom stands before me, rubbing her tired eyes, her disheveled hair a testament to her recent slumber.

"Mom?" I say, surprise evident in my voice. She's always been an early riser, committed to her morning yoga routine. It's a ritual she often encourages me to join, although my commitment rarely extends beyond a couple of days.

"I know it's 7:25. I'm sorry, Dev. I won't be able to drop you off today. The driver uncle will take you to school instead, okay?" she says, her voice laced with weariness.

Rajesh uncle usually serves as our driver, but it's mostly Mom who chauffeurs me around. "Okay, but what's going on?" I inquire, turning to my dad for answers.

"That's a long story," Mom replies, securing her hair in a bun. "I'll explain later." She heads towards the kitchen and adds, "Forget about a lavish breakfast. How about a quick sandwich and some juice?"

"That works for me," I follow her lead. "By the way, did you just kick Dad out of the room?"

Mom's face scrunches up disapprovingly. "Watch your language, Dev!"

"Oh, sorry. But is it true?" I persist.

"Well, sort of," she admits, though with a hint of hesitation. "I didn't exactly kick him out, but... I'll tell you later." With those words, she disappears into the kitchen.

As Mom prepares the sandwiches, I grab a glass of juice and lean against the kitchen counter, the sounds of her bustling activity merging with the ambiance of the living room. Dad stirs on the couch, his slumber disturbed by the commotion. He sits up, emitting a grumbling sound of discomfort. Mom sets the sandwiches on the dining table and joins me, a playful glint in her eye.

"Dev, how was your sleep last night?" she asks, her tone hinting at an underlying meaning. It's clear she's teasing Dad. I offer a simple nod in response.

Dad lets out an amused snort through his nose, an indication of his mock annoyance at Mom's jest. I catch onto the cue and smoothly shift the conversation, "Mom, I'll be late today, there's independence day fest coming and I'm thinking about participating in something."

"You're not up to anything!" A stern voice cuts through, freezing us both. We pivot to see Dad standing there, eavesdropping on our talk.

A frown creases his brow, his disapproval evident. "You've just joined in the middle of the semester, and now you want to take part in some trivial school event? Who's going to focus on studies then?"

Mom rises from her seat, her determination unwavering. "Dev, you're going to participate in the event."

"Have you two lost your minds? Remember he has final exams coming up? And then there's the NEET exam next year? Look at the colossal NEET syllabus. It spans all of 11th and 12th-grade physics, chemistry, and biology. His 11th-grade studies are already suffering due to the school change. How is he supposed to cover the entire syllabus?" Dad counters.

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