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i quickly wiped over my face and snatched my hand away from Kasos as we neared the table. 

JK Mom: Oh there you two are !!! i was starting to think something bad happen.

i sat down about to speak but kasos spoke up.

Kasos: actually. I was just speaking to Moonbae about the possibility of us returning to lunar province for good.

I cocked my brow at him giving him a stern look. yeah he hinted at it but we never really talked about it nor did i think it'd get brought up anymore after we walked back inside.

Me: um well not really jus-

Jackson's mom gasped.

JK Mom: wow really!? you broke through to her? how! im always the one to talk her into things i thought it'd take much longer.

i jumped up from my seat


JK Mom: oh hush.. of course we knew, it was the boys who proposed it to us. but ultimately the decision lies with you.

I huffed looking around the table before sitting down.

Me: well i haven't really thought much on the matter so don't get your hopes up.

Bambam: Oh come on moonbae we owe it to you! plus you've already been working so hard by yourself.

Lucas: yeah i can honestly tell your tired now, your under eyes are extremely dark. its obvious you haven't been sleeping.

I gasped popping his arm.

Me: Oh you bitch!!!

the elders gasped. Lucas could always read me like a book. He's such a snitch.

LC Mom: MOONBAE!!! you promised you get proper rest.

Me: I know but there was so much that needs to be done!

JK Mom: no buts !! Tomorrow your staying in bed all day.

i groaned

Jackson: she should stay in the kitchen... its evident she's be starving

i gasped 

KS Mom: come to think of it... she has skipped out on a few dinners with us. 

BB Mom: but you did eat those nights right moonbae??

i groaned looking down.

LC Mom: wow!! i'm so upset, you promised not to over work yourself.

Kasos: don't worry will be taking care of your care of her next week

JK Mom: i think bed rest for a week sounds right its the perfect off time.

i huffed stomping on kasos foot under the table causing him to groan

Me: NO!! i can't  lunar's very first festival is this week, you guys know i've been planning this for a while


Jackson: we had lots of festivals back at the capital. Bambam always wondered what it would be like to have one back home. I guess we'll finally find out.

KS Mom: well then it's settled the guys will help you with your duties regarding the festival so that you can still get a proper break.

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