01: Oh, Brother

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he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar / the only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
-teardrops on my guitar : taylor swift

Kendall had always been overprotective of his sisters. With their dad no longer around, he felt some obligation to look after them, even though both the Knight girls could handle their own. Katie wasn't quite old enough for it to be much of a problem, but Kit had grown tired of it rather quickly. Dating as a teenager was confusing enough as is, let alone when she had a hockey-playing twin brother and his best friends breathing down the neck of any guy brave enough to show interest in her.


Kit smacked Kendall's arm, incredulous. All she'd done was speak to the poor guy and that had been enough to send Kendall and his dogs after him. Huffing, she pushed her sunglasses up onto her forehead.

"That was the last cute guy at the Palm Woods! Did you really have to scare him off?!"

"Duh," Kendall knitted his eyebrows at her. James shrugged, as though it had been obvious.

Kit usually looked to Carlos for a bit of sympathy, but he was too busy staring longingly at the Jennifers to notice her silent pleas.

She wondered if Kendall's head would explode should he ever find out just how wrong he had been. Kit understood that his heart was in the right place, but Kendall tended to get overzealous in his efforts to make sure that no one broke her heart.

Not that it mattered, really. Kit gave her heart away a long time ago to one of the only three boys who were entirely off-limits to her. But she could only wait so long for him and, besides, Logan had that whole on-again, off-again thing with Camille.

Fate and Cupid had quite the laugh the day they decided to push Kit Knight towards her brother's best friend- a boy who was practically family- and her own best friend into his arms instead of her.

Much like her brother, friendship and family came before love for Kit. Unfortunately for her, that meant swallowing her feelings and biting her tongue as her best friend threw herself at Logan. With the exception of maybe Carlos, Kit felt as if everyone around her was finding love left and right and she was left all alone.

Kit could only change the subject whenever someone asked her about boys and dating so many times before they caught on. She wanted a distraction from her scrambled feelings. A nice, cute distraction who would make her forget, if even for a moment, that he wasn't the one she really wanted. Even that seemed out of reach to her now.

She frowned. Kendall was one thing, but why did his friends always have to cockblock her? Kit hadn't said a single thing when James took two different girls out in one night and she'd even helped Carlos build up the confidence to talk to Stephanie, and this was the thanks she got in return.

"Thanks a lot, guys. I'm gonna die alone," she whined.

From the lounge chair beside her, Logan sat up at this. He furrowed his eyebrows. He seriously doubted that. Kit was a real catch. She killed it out on the field and her GPA rivaled that of self-proclaimed "genius" Logan's. To Logan, Kit's hazel eyes were the most special thing, from the way they always managed to stay so full of life to their intricate mix of blue, green, and brown. That only scratched the surface of things to adore about Kit. Any guy would be lucky to have her. The problem certainly wasn't Kit; no one ever seemed good enough for her to the boys.

From a friend's perspective. Best friends. That's all.

He bit the inside of his cheek, as if trying to remind himself where he was.

Written in the StarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora