Chapter 1: The Storm Before The Hurricane

Start from the beginning

"We have to leave tomorrow, back to Kanto right buddy" I say to my starter Pokemon

"Pika pika(Yeah, I know.)" He replied. "Pika pikachu pika pi (But our friends are acting weird lately)"

"I can agree, maybe it's because of my lost of the game" I suggested

"Pika pika(But now, maybe it's irrelevant)" Pikachu says.

"I agree, bud. Goodnight" I said with a yawn.

Pika pi (Goodnight) Pikachu responded.

(Serena P.O.V before Ash arrived)

"Ugh, I can believe he lost" I exclaimed. "He really should have won with the training he was doing"

"Yeah, I feel really bad for him" Replied Clemont. "But Alain is a tough opponent. He had 2 pseudo-legendaries, a fast ice-type, a strong steel-type, and 2 good flying-types"

"Yeah, but Ash... wait give me a second" I say as my phone rings. "Hello?"

"Is this Serena?" the voice asked

"Yes, who is asking" I responded

"I am Misty Waterflower. I'm one of Ash's traveling companions" said Misty (A.N I don't like Misty)

"Oh cool! So why did you call?" Serena questioned.

"Well, we are going to tell Ash to quit his dream of being a Pokemon master." Said Misty with a serious tone

"WHAT? Why would we do that" I exclaimed, surprising Clemont as well because of the sudden shout

"Has Ash told you about his past adventures?" asked Misty

"What do you mean past adventures?" I asked with worry.

"Ash is someone who met legendaries

Messed with evil teams, like Team Rocket, Team Magma and Aqua, Team Galactic, and Team Plasma put his friends and family in danger as well

Even you, Clemont and Bonnie experienced this with Team Flare, and Bonnie is too young to even travel, yet she is put into danger.

And he hasn't won a darn league, not even once." said Misty.

Me and Clemont didn't respond because they are still taking in all of the information.

"Is...Is this true?" asked Clemont in shock (the call was on speaker).

"Trust me, all of Ash's friends experienced it first hand." Misty claimed

"Who agrees with telling Ash to quit." I asked

"Well, his friends and family agree."

"Ok. Give us a second to decide an answer" Clemont said immediately.

"Fine. You got five minutes to decide." Misty said

"Okay, thanks." I responded

We started talking about if we should believe this 'Misty' person.

Then Clemont said something that shocked me, "Maybe... maybe we should agree."

I shouted back, "WHAT. WHY WOULD WE?!!?"

Clemont responded then shouted with, "Ash is putting people in danger. Along with you, me, his friends, family, and MY SISTER AND I DON"T WANT MY SISTER GETTING HURT."

I realized what he meant and agreed. Then, I picked up the phone and said, "Alright, we will--"

Then, Ash came through the door. I quickly put away the phone, while Clemont is glaring daggers at Ash. So I joined with a new found hate with Ash. Ash seemed shocked.

Bonnie came out the room she was sleeping in, then saw Ash. She looked at him and said, "You did really well, you and your Pokemon in the battle." Then she looked at Me and Clemont, "Aren't you going to congratulate him for being second place or even being in the finals?"

Clemont said with enough hate, "Congratulation Ash. You should have won honestly." I nodded. "Thanks guys. Well, I'm going to hit the hay because I'm beat" Ash yawned.

When he left Bonnie also said, "I'm going to sleep as well. Goodnight!"

"Goodnight." We both said, then she went into her room

Then I picked up the phone and said,  "Ok we will join."

"Ok great. come to Pallet Town in Kanto. That's were we will meet up." said Misty and with that she hung up.

"Why do we even trust Ash? His friends are smart going to tell him to quit, we should say that we had to meet with someone in Kanto." I said

"I agree, welp it's time so sleep." said Clemont

"Ok, goodnight" I said

Little did they know, a boy was listening from behind the wall.

------------------------------ End of Chapter 1 ------------------------------------

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